Why Aircraft Carriers Have Island On Right Side? #shorts

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Women are always right, but there's something else you'll find always on the right too, and that is the island of an aircraft carrier. But why the carrier's Island is always on the right hand side or starboard side of the ship. All you need to know is that the carrier's control tower is on the star board side for a good reason! Before the jet age, the earlier propeller planes produced a lot of Torque, when ever a lot of power was added. This torque caused the aircraft to turn left or port side, because as I said earlier, the Women are always RIGHT. Just kidding, the torque reaction involves Newton's third law of Physics, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. If the aircraft's propeller is rotating in one direction which is the clockwise direction from pilot's perspective, an equal force will try to rotate the aircraft in the other direction. Now do some math, if the Islands were on the port side, the torque will force the aircraft to go left, and plane could have hit the tower which could have injured the sailors on board and damaged the ship, but with jet powered aircraft today, this whole thing is irrelevant. By the way, 2 Japanese carriers Hiryu and Akagi had island on the port side.