Top 10 Plot Questions & Theories | Star Trek Picard!

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Star Trek Picard's first three episodes have aired, finishing up Act 1 of our 1st Picard season! And with that, a MASSIVE amount of groundwork has been done to establish the mystery that our 'Motley Crew' will need to unravel for the remaining 7 episodes. But what are the biggest questions/plot points we have so far? Well, in today's video we dive deep into what's going on with the show at this point, get some good theories out there and open the floor for you, the fans, to get your thoughts shared out as well!

This intergalactic adventure is finally kicking off, and things are starting to really heat up!


Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchise based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called Star Trek and now referred to as The Original Series, debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC.

I do NOT own the rights, images, sounds or videos for Star Trek. These belong to CBS, Paramount, and their parent companies.




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I'm on an unknown ship with an alcoholic, some guy who has a bunch of holograms of himself in funny accents, and a suspiciously adorable Doctor, lets hit it! What kinda theories/questions do you have for Star Trek Picard so far? SOUND OFF!


I do want to point out that Soji is never once called "the Destroyer of worlds, " as so many people keep saying. (You all must be Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans. Daisy Johnson is called "the Destroyer of worlds" in the 5th season.) She's only called "the Destroyer."


Triangulum studios did a nice video asking the question: why didn't voyager go to the gamma quadrant and use the wormhole to get back to the alpha quadrant. Instead their rout would take them to the back door of romulan space. I am curious, with the both predominantly in the delta quadrant, and romulan territory being so close to that boarder, maybe we will see why the tal shiar has been experementing with borg technology. Perhaps even before events of q-who. Maybe this is why the jhad vash is so affraid of synthetic intelligence. They had early encounters with the both, or made their own attempts at synthetics that went rogue, and created the borg in the first place.


Dogs and cats, living together... Mass Hysteria!


The 'Mother' that Soji and Dahj call is an inbuilt safety protocol designed to calm the twins in times of overwhelming stress, to prevent the same cascade failure that happened to their sister Andriod Lal.


What about when she passed out while talking to her “mom”. The first time I watched the episode I thought maybe it was because she was so upset.
But when I rewatched the episode I am more convinced it was her “mom” that caused it because she was asking questions she should not have.
I also think “mom” activated her ability to hack Starfleet records to locate Picard in Episode 1.


The stuffy in Siji's bed is a Mugatu, a shout out to TOS. The Jurati double agent issue is what I'm all about right now! I had never seen the clip of the mind-meld before thanks for bringing it up!


I suspect they are writing the "Destroyer" idea to make Soji appear to be a potential threat to something good, but in the end it will turn out to be the destroyer of something dangerous like the Zhat Vash or something that facilitates the existence or capabilities of the borg.


Theory regarding Rhomda, her comment 'I remember you from tomorrow" and allusions to the future. Remember the Temporal Transponder used with Seven from 'Timeless'?


The green light on Soji's badge might mean that she was starting to activate, Ketwolski. She still hasn't activated yet but she has to be real close to activating because Dahj already did. Also, that "destroyer of worlds" phrase could have something to do with Soji being made from Lore. Maybe Ramdha is a pre-cog and she saw into the future and witnessed Soji leading a synthetic army against the Federation and the Romulans?
That army is probably the Borg. I mean it does make sense for her to become a Borg Queen because she feels empathy for the Borg and nobody else does except Hugh. I also agree with you about the Romulans creating the Borg. Laris said that the secret of the Zhat Vash has been known to shatter a person's mind.
The only secret that I could think of that the Romulans would be trying to hide would be the creation of the Borg. Maybe the Romulans were really technologically advanced when they split from the Vulcans centuries ago? Maybe that's why the Vulcans pursued the path of Kolinahr and Surak because they saw what being obsessed with technology did to their cousins? Just a thought anyways.
Dr.Juratti is a double agent. I read the synopsis for episode 5 or 6 on and it said that there is a traitor in Picard's group and he doesn't know it yet. Narek is going to die on the Borg cube saving Soji from his sister or that's my theory anyways so I don't think it's him. So the most likely person is Dr.Juratti.
Oh, Picard does find Bruce Maddox, Ketwolski. His name is on a couple of the tracks on the soundtrack. If you haven't listened to the soundtrack yet, you should. It's awesome!
Live long and prosper, Ketwolski 🖖.


I made a post on reddit about Jurati. Short story, the sum of disruptor rifles and operatives doesn't add to justify she entered the room from inside the house with a disruptor in her hands


Soji has access, unknowingly, to the Collective. The badge flashed green as she accessed it. It’s why she can speak to the Nameless in their own tongue and she doesn’t know how. When the nameless were assimilated their language spread throughout the collective. I think that Maddox has created the twins to be “good” Borg queens, to bring the Borg into a more peaceful way of being by installing a good queen at the top of the hive. But the Romulans don’t want this because their secret, that they accidentally created the Borg, would come to light, so it’s on them to stop it.


Anyone remember when Star Trek actually involved strange new worlds and new civilizations instead of an endless stream of shadow organizations, internal conspiracies and close minded isolationism? I do, it was nice. For a space faring culture supposedly dedicated to exploration The JJ/Moonves/Kurtzman/Et alia iterations of Star Trek spend almost all of their time looking inwards and not out. It is getting very, very, very old.


Pretty sure they never said "Destroyer of Worlds", that's Agents of Shield. They only called her the "Destroyer "


“The destroyer” simply means Soji is a synth that can get pregnant and have little synth babies and begin populating the galaxy with synth life that will eventually become the predominant species in thousands of years.


I think you're absolutely right. I think the mother is just a holographic program that they see that helps guide them either from Maddox or just internally to what they need to do. Some people have been upset by this saying they're trying to destroy Starfleet and the Federation just to make the show darker. I said the someone have you been watching Star Trek because it amazes me how people Miss stuff. They had a fool out cool on DS9 when the Admiral tried to take over Starfleet and was actually going to take the president out of power. He had multiple officers and other Personnel backing him. So this isn't the first time that people inside Starfleet have done really bad things. And as I remember, he killed people with a bomb because it wasn't the Dominion then when the Lakota fought the defiant people on both ships.


Love the theory that Z.V created the Borg and are trying to cover that up. Also that when the girls call their mum they are actually talking to Bruce! Great theories Ketwolski.


The burning question in my mind at the moment is: Who/what is Commodore Oh? Is she Vulcan as she passes herself to be, or is she Romulan? I'm leaning toward the latter. She seems to have only a veneer of Vulcan dispassion. Is she part of Zhat Vash? Or, on the other hand, is she with Section 31, trying to infiltrate Zhat Vash? That she is head of Starfleet security I have little doubt, whatever other role she has. It would be a perfect position to hold for either a Federation or Romulan operative. What is the true nature of her relationship to the lieutenant? What does Admiral Clancey actually know? Are Narek and his sister Zhat Vash? I'm guessing they are and Commodore Oh is over them.

I could go on with other questions, but at the moment they all seem to circle back to the true identity/mission of the commodore. I suspect that the more we learn about her, the more we'll learn about a lot of other things, including why Bruce Maddox disappeared.


So much in only 3 episodes, so many questions and thoughts.
I respect everyone having a theory and who knows what will be true? that is the joy of this show and makes discussion so much fun :)
So I look forward to a discussion and would love to hear back how you think this Borg theory could be true?
As a nerd...I mean fan, I must argue about the Romulans creating the Borg, obviously I think it is a real big stretch to even consider that an option, the Romulans can have a issue with synthetic life and not have that reason be because they created the most powerful beings the galaxy has ever met. :)

"You judge yourselves against the pitiful adversaries you've encountered so far: the Romulans, the Klingons. They're nothing compared to what's waiting."

- Q to Picard in Ten Forward - Q Who.

Why would Q say this (and he did say it as truth) if it was not in fact true at all?
This would be a very lazy way to connect two species who have no connection at all, leave some things a scary mystery!
It used to be people saying that WE, humanity created the Borg with V'ger and now it's changed to the Romulans?
Why ANY Alpha Quadrant species? Why not a Delta Quadrant species then? still a back story and still a mystery.
Thought it was just the Destroyer.
Destroyer of worlds does sound cool tho. :)
Another great video, as always.


I think you're absolutely correct the bad glowed green because her positronic brain kicked in.
