How To Treat Heat Exhaustion, Signs & Symptoms - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance

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A St John Ambulance trainer demonstrates what to look for if someone has heat exhaustion and how to treat heat exhaustion.

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so turns out today in toronto, its the same temperature as baghdad. im still in school and teachers wont let us inside to get water. what a wonderful staff team! a free trip to the hospital💗💗💗


i swear the guy in this video legit has heat exhaustion haha his face is too real


It's very surprising that even a mild case of heat exhaustion can cause you to feel like crap for days.


I had one today on my field trip it was hot blessed that my teachers helped me and noticed


*checks YouTube for symptoms* "yup I'm dying"


Had this the other day. 35 degrees in humid weather. Felt like I was going to die. Still getting a few stomach cramps. Had no appetite at all. Sweat everywhere. But then because I’d lost so much heat I was shivering under the shade. Wasn’t pleasant. Oh and I vomited a few times and felt really nauseous


Thank you very much the info helped me a ton keep the good work up


I was at band camp outside for our morning block and we're in Texas, about 5 kids, including myself had to sit down before we pushed ourselves too far, i was also helping them cooldown the best i could at the moment with the things i had so i poured cold water on their necks and it helped a lot
(I had to go sit down because i was starting to get chills and i know thats bad sooo i went and sat in the shade with my water)


Grew up riding dirt bikes and racing. Today went to I big riding area in central Florida for the first time in a long time and it has been HOT. I have not been in solid shape and also work inside in the ac. Got a ocular migraine then proceeded with the chills and lack of sweating. Little bit of disorientation along with my right fingers going numb. Absolutely terrifying. Started feeling better after being in the truck ac and a cold shower when I got back. Scary stuff


I've gotten this several times this year and it is absolutely horrible... worst times I've felt


I had this last night at work... It wasn't fun.... I was drinking water every 10minutes, but OMG, sweated off/out... Working in manufacturing/wear house it Hot, walking had to sit down bout every 5/10 munites. After work / home cool shower, ate, lost what I ate.. this is a terrible feeling...


I have heat exhaustion, I am 18 years old and I had it when I was 14 and I've had it since. It is a thing for me now... I live by it in my day to day life so I avoid going outdoors when its sunny and anything too much of a pressure


Remember, 999, 112, and 911 are key numbers to remember but call your emergency response number if help is needed.


Today(July 2)I worked an event doing festival hair. The issue is that there were 3 workers, 3 clients, 1 big fan, 1 small fan(which they didn’t even want to bring). I ended up having to work on the side of the tent that had the sun shining down on it, which also got no fan because the way it was positioned. The other two shaded and cool. My people complained about how hot they were. Anyways I ended up struggling to do my job with 2 people, and the last I passed off to the person in the middle because I couldn’t think straight. I got this migraine that felt like a nail was in the right side of my head. I tried to cool down in a shaded area away from people but I was feeling worse. Face was SUPER DRY. Skin getting red. Felt like I couldn’t breathe at some points. Finally my pulse and breathing got better so I went back to the booth. They asked how I was and I said “not sure. I’ve stopped sweating.” And their reply “oh that’s a good thing!” 😪 my dads a healthcare professional and the second I told him “dry as f***” he said “WTH ARE YOU DOING? Get to someplace with AC, water, and a place you can sit or lie down. Do not allow people to put your life at risk. Especially with your thyroid and meds you’re more likely to get a heat stroke than others) and with that I left and haven’t heard from anyone.


This has happened at Yankees Stadium. I had to call for a medic.


i think i have this my stomach cramps seems to be a little bit ok now but feel of bloating still there . . i feel weak very suddenly feel like dying muscle weaking and feel cold . . it goes on and off


i had heat exhaustion today from riding horses, i was vomiting and so so tired. i had hydrated but i ended up throwing up all the water i drank that day. only until getting into a cool ac air that was blowing in my face did i start to gain my senses


What if somone gets heat exhaustion often


I've had it for two day now an cant seem too get rid drank lots water an had a fan on any ideas


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