Python and Pandas for Sentiment Analysis and Investing 11

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Pandas is used to work with our data quickly and efficiently. The ideas of Pandas is to act as a sort of framework for quickly analyzing data and modeling it.

Sentiment Analysis data:

Python Module downloads:
(Get all of the listed dependencies, or at least the major ones like NumPy, Dateutils, Matplotlib, )

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Hey the Sentiment Analysis data is no longer available. Please help!


How does this  MA thing relates through sentimental analysis concept ?, I have seen sentimental analysis stuff in comments and tweets only,  
PS: I m a beginner :P!!


it's not a easy job. No wonder there are only 1323 views after 11 videos... I think people gave up by facing too much unclear parts and overwhelming questions in their heads. I tried to push myself sitting in front of laptop to watch your tutorials till now.

even I have thousands of question, I just pick one: what is the meaning of 'closei = 3, , changei = 11'?

thanks for the turorial anyway
