Python and Pandas for Sentiment Analysis and Investing 12

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Pandas is used to work with our data quickly and efficiently. The ideas of Pandas is to act as a sort of framework for quickly analyzing data and modeling it.

Sentiment Analysis data:

Python Module downloads:
(Get all of the listed dependencies, or at least the major ones like NumPy, Dateutils, Matplotlib, )

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Thanks for the great series. I wonder if #12 is the last of the series at the moment?


man, I appreciated your first videos, but then I had some feeling that you are simply trying to promote your website and your "sentiment index", more than teach people to do sth valuable....Sure, that's just some quick videos, but I really think you should spent more time on stats: I stopped at 6th lesson and then I just went trhou 5 next rapidly, but I didn't see you transforming your timeseries to log-returns to get rid of heterescedasticity, or comparing % of success trades for the strategy or whatever

That's great for learning Pandas, but definitly not for investing

For those interested, I would highly recommend the book "Quantitative Trading with R: Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant's Perspective", absolutly great book, woth every $ and hour you spend on it
