How to secure kills (and win) as Killer | Dead by Daylight

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This video breaks down the basic scenarios that allow Killers to secure kills in almost any match, and how to develop a strategy that consistently defeats most of your Survivor opponents. It's certainly easier said than done, but if you stick to some of these principles, you'll probably see a significant improvement in your results.

00:00 Intro
00:52 1 kill
04:40 2 kills
05:49 3 kills
13:32 4 kills

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*Update:* You can no longer grab Survivors that are attempting to unhook!


Dear Otzdarva, I disagree with this entire video. As a suvivor main and as someone who stands for peace, I believe that killers should not kill survivors because it promotes violence. In order to promote peace, I always show positivity: I show friendliness by repeatedly crouching at the killer whilst waiting at the exit gate; I try to show him that there's still light in his life by repeatedly clicking the flashlight at his eyes; I also use brand new parts to finish the game quicker, so everyone gets their first win of the day bonus faster; and I use medkits with syringes, since they are dangerous medical waste, hence why I, as a martyr, dispose of them with my own body.


Personally I just watched a survivor guide in reverse and my killer gameplay improved drastically


Step 1. Pick Bubba
Step 2. Bring basement hook offering
Step 3. Bring insidious
Step 4. Camp every hook


Me losing my first match after watching this video: *Impossible*


Step 1. Select any killer.
Step 2. Pick any combo of aura and slowdown perks.
Step 3. Tunnel only 1, or alternate only between 2 survivors if you're feeling generous, preferably the weakest link.
Step 4. Relax since it's already 3v1.
Optional step 5. Select three close gens, defend them with your life like those found in Haddonfield main house and park.


As a survivor main I actually have some tips for new killers:
1. Trapper, contrary to popular belief, is actually an insanely good killer and you should exclusively main him
2. DO NOT use add-ons, they make everything way too complicated and it's way easier to play without them
3. (This one is the most important one): DO NOT USE YOUR KILLER POWER. Using your power and recharging it takes a lot of time, the basic attack is much quicker and a lot more useful during chases.
4. For perks I recommend Territorial imperative for information and Beast of Prey for extra stealth. To be honest you don't really need to use the other 2 perk slots, the perks I mentioned above are more than enough for solid pressure.
5. Hooking survivors is a long and difficult process so doing it is usually not recommended.
And that's really all you need to know to start playing killer.


This is literally the most precise guide what to do as a killer, I remember playing the killer the first few times, and I hadn't an idea what to do, how to start the game, until i watched your video saying (to us) to go for the furthest gen and find the first survivor. This is even more comprehensive guide and it perfectly explains what to do and how to play the game as a killer. Thanks Otz, much love


Possible strategies to secure kills with:
- Tunneling
- Slugging more than one person
- Camping near hooks if they're about to die (*optional* if they're about to die)
- Pick killers with instant downs or slow down powers (don't play M1 Killers)
- Force someone to Disconnect


I expected at 4 kills just Otzdarva says "C a m p" with emoutionless face just staring at us for 7 minutes.


Hello otz, i think you forgot to mention 3 important techs for killer :

1) Camp tech
2) Tunnel tech
3) Slug tech


Step 1. Select Nurse
Step 2. Use four Slowdown Perks
Step 3. Apply Kavanagh's Last Breath and Heavy Panting


Thanks Otz. One of your games where you talked about controlling the basement as Trapper taught me how to get my first 4k. This game is so much fun, thank you for your videos


Thank you for inspiring me to be a trapper main


Step 1. Load as killer
Step 2. See 4 stack TTV
Step 3. Log off and realize it's not worth losing your mind

Edit: I am one of the said TTV’s


Solid advice! It is nice how you said that sometimes you can have THE game and still lose, there js so much you can do


One small tip I would add that will only be useful on occasion, sometimes a survivor will try to get your attention to make you chase them. Don't waste your time, as a bad player I have fell for this trap and left the game with only a few downs. That player is likely to have perks specifically designed for chases and if they are in a group, their teammates will have gen accelerating perks. Your best bet is to ignore the survivor and go after the others. The best result is that survivor continues to try to get your attention (and not progress the game) while you push others off gens.


I think it's perfectly viable to ignore the "survivor handbook" sometimes, you have to play dirty. Tunneling can be countered by team mates that help each other. Slugging countered by team mates that help each other. Camping guess it! Be countered by team mates helping each other. As a killer, you are not obligated to change tactics to help the other side. If they don't help each other to counter these tactics, exploit them. It's how you win in war. It reminds me of in LOTR the Two Towers when Aragorn says something like, "Show them no mercy, for you will receive none". Just disable end game chat. I mean, you shouldn't be a mega ass hole straight out of the gate, but if you need to put pressure, there's literally no rules against being "toxic" as a killer. It's like taking the feelings and considerations of the opposing team in a sport into account like wtf lmfao. No. Play better. After all, isn't that what survivor mains say? "Just play better kekw gg ez".


Step 1: Buy Nemesis
Step 2: Load in a game as Nemesis
Step 3: Just kill your Zombies and you get more than 4 kill per match XD


Here's my tip for killer as a survivor solo q main: proxy camp and tunnel back and forth between two survivors. It's hard to coordinate in solo q and go for the rescue/do gens. Usually time is wasted getting a rescue and gens don't get done. However it does make for boring gameplay as a survivor, just saying! (edited for spelling mistake)
