The Cheapest way to control a Stepper Motor with an Arduino. But is it any good?

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Let’s have a look at the L298N Driver. It’s cheap and easy to find, but is it any good? Well it depends…
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Thanks for the great video Yvan. I went to your web site to get the correct spelling of your name and just now learnt that you closed your store. I understand your reasons. Thanks for the great service you provided in the past. It was really convenient to have you just one major city to the east of me.


Nice ! works well!!, excellent tip about the code line for cut the power and avoid overheating. Please share me code for 2 stepper motors speed control using one joystick and 2+2 limit switches.


I had great results with A4988

The driver you are using uses a Dual H Bridge, which means each channel can reverse also, which is overkill for a stepper and is a not needed feature which takes up more space in the package you're not using. A4988 simply is designed for stepper motors.


Nice one !!, excellent tip about the code line for cut the power and avoid overheating. 👍


I've been using the L-298 for over 30 years ! The module with the L-298 you're showing, is of course more recent. The reason why I like it so much is because it's straight forward and cheap. For me, the 'no current' limitation is perfect. Many times I used it to it's max. performance and it does the job rather well. However, I used much lager cooling elements (custom made PCB) to avoid thermal shut down. In that way, you can use it easily for continuous stall with amps above 1.6A


Hi ! Is there a way to use a potentiometer instead ?


if stepper motor datasheet says it draws X amps that doesn't mean you need a 2X amp driver.
yes there is two phase coils inside the motor but they NEVER get max current at the same time. X amp motor -> X amp driver.


Great video. "The easy driver doesnt need a heatsink, butvyou should install one anyway because it can become very hot"
So that's kinda like the L298 :-)
The current limiting you speak about is a bit odd. The board doesn't pump more current through motor than it requires at its operating voltage. Limiting the current will unavoidably lead to a voltage drop and drop the power/torque of the motor.
If you would need this to avoid your motor 'getting hot if you leave it on for long' you ha e picked the wrong motor for the job.
The only reason I can see for the current limiting is to avoid a burn out of your motor in case it gets overloaded or stuck.


Only use l298 if you want to melt it or catch it on fire if used with a stepper If you use a stepper for more than 20 or 30 seconds it will start to overheat the module. Get the t6600 stepper motor driver for stepper motors of this size.


Amazing video Yvan, ı wish you have answered old videos comments as well . the absolute rotary encoder video, library should be 1.7.0, otherwise doesnt work, and LCD connection different than I2C ! thank you


Amazing video Yvan. Helps a lot. I was wondering if it is possible to make the 2-axis slider that you made previously with a L298N driver? If yes, how?


interesting. Thank you. Keep the videos coming


Great tutorial...very helpful and informative....


Hi the codes which u uploaded in ur page for the camera slider is not working.

The motor does not move at all.
It's stationary.


Hi Ivan with a stepper motor I want to drive via a gear a module along a tube. Like 3D printer etc. Want 4 set positions for the motor to run to, then select 1 of 4 buttons to go to that position. In any order without returning to home position. Do you have a video or code that does that or nearly that? Thanks CharlesHarris


// works but has some flaws
// arduino doesn't have to do anything else because the single steps take place at each loop cycle, therefore also dependent on the clock frequency of the type of arduino used
// the potentiometer must be linear to have a good stroke length, otherwise too rapid acceleration will cause the motor to lose steps 'read stepper motor acceleration curve'


awesome! and on the edge of my seat for the shield!, i am using a cnc shield with grbl and 4 stepper motors for a cnc project. however i’d love to learn to use the shield without grbl to do custom movements or independently move 4 axis with joysticks etc. thanks!


Does it work with a unipolar stepper motor 5 wire


I just subscribed to your channel but I'm wondering why the headless/faceless body shot? Do you work for the CIA? LoL!


Also this is not recommended to use for a separate murder even for a simple project it should never ever be used for a stepper motor... They whoever they are should stop advertising that it can
be used for stepper motors because that makes it very dangerous.
