Anastasia Λ Michael: Demystifying Science & Mind

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:13 PhDs are agony
00:05:25 Non-traditional tools of science (Abhijgnosis = Science 2.0)
00:06:10 Social impacts of self-study
00:08:24 The TOE team
00:10:25 Curt is a lone wolf
00:11:22 Work-life balance
00:12:09 Does Curt want a family?
00:12:20 How Curt fell in love
00:14:32 True honesty is a difficult reflective process
00:17:27 How to contemplate the interior self
00:20:41 Ancient stories are meaningful
00:24:00 "Intelligence" and "wisdom" are buzzwords
00:28:45 Nothing is "new"
00:33:00 "Intelligence can't exist without wisdom"
00:36:00 Can we solve any problem?
00:46:37 Math and philosophy are actually social issues
00:51:00 Disruptive patterns in science
01:03:49 TOE is anti-establishment
01:11:53 "Science is far too specialized"
01:32:55 Mathematics is the domain of the precisely defined
01:36:12 Will Science 2.0 (abhijgnosis) undermine certainty?
01:42:06 Science outvies government
01:46:02 The biases of science
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:13 PhDs are agony
00:05:25 Non-traditional tools of science (Abhijgnosis = Science 2.0)
00:06:10 Social impacts of self-study
00:08:24 The TOE team
00:10:25 Curt is a lone wolf
00:11:22 Work-life balance
00:12:09 Does Curt want a family?
00:12:20 How Curt fell in love
00:14:32 True honesty is a difficult reflective process
00:17:27 How to contemplate the interior self
00:20:41 Ancient stories are meaningful
00:24:00 "Intelligence" and "wisdom" are buzzwords
00:28:45 Nothing is "new"
00:33:00 "Intelligence can’t exist without wisdom"
00:36:00 Can we solve any problem?
00:46:37 Math and philosophy are actually social issues
00:51:00 Disruptive patterns in science
01:03:49 TOE is anti-establishment
01:11:53 "Science is far too specialized"
01:32:55 Mathematics is the domain of the precisely defined
01:36:12 Will Science 2.0 (abhijgnosis) undermine certainty?
01:42:06 Science outvies government
01:46:02 The biases of science


I listened to this on their channel. They talk to a lot of the same people as Curt, but they have different questions. Extremely interesting minds. Anastasia is on a whole other level.


Badass seeing you support smaller channels...these guys are so cool!


I was scrolling though the TOE channel looking for something i havent seen and im so glad i found this. Really good conversation.


Michael says "we don't have a place to discuss the meta-narratives like we used to maybe 2000 years ago". Bro... you're doing it right now. Podcasts. We lost it around the start of the industrial revolution when we abandoned our tribal homelands and quality time with our tribes and elders to pursue city living... but now it's back, baby!


These 2 are great :) I really enjoy their channel as well.


These guys are awesome. Subbed to their channel. Wow Curt you are killing it intro us to interesting folk and expanding our ways of being in the world. Sounds like great developments in the offing for TOE.


this one was a bit of a rollercoaster, many parts interesting and also frustrating. id have never guessed either of their backgrounds from this without someone clarifying, but im definitely going to check out more of their episodes. one other thing i hadnt realized before was how much i enjoy comparing Curt's way of interfacing with concepts/ideas/problems to guests way of doing so. more of these would be great Curt, conversations with other types of idea explorers are a differnt kind of interesting to specific experts.


Your new idea for the shorts is excellent, look forward to seeing them.


Been a fan of DemystifySci for a while now, glad to see them getting recognition!!


I think that vanity is a necessary part of being human, and assume a paradoxical combination of hubris and humility. You have to think that you're good to even undertake a challenge, and this in turn implies being very humble because you're not in control. The work imposes its own agenda. You want to do something cool, but at the same time, you're serving a project, which can quickly become a sensation of subservience, especially when there is no guarantee of success. For me, it would be a form of "false consciousness" to renounce the project with the excuse that it's childish to want to be a star...I've always mistrusted people who want to be modest. There's a lot of false modesty in the world.


Enjoyed the discussion. It was sort of a Meta-TOE / Metacognition type of discussion.


Kurt asks, is there anything new? My answer is that this is the reason that I paint. In visual art, music, poetry, it is possible to find new forms -- the definition is an indescribable, but unmistakeable, very pleasant form of knowledge, recognition that this is something new, a new form of elegance. The work has to "come together", "click", for this to occur, and it's difficult. It may sound superficial or trite to be speaking of "elegance", but this a very potent sensation of having found something exceptional. Not the mystical experience itself, but an object that somehow stores or emanates it. The point of this response is to say, YES, it is possible to find something new, and it seems that some people crave this, and it seems to have significance.


Holistic thinking/mentality vs a compartmentalized specialist society, this is exactly why we either need better collective intelligence (political unity) or an "ethical" AI that can act as an intermediary to help humanity synthesize new ideas by connecting and processing our numerous thoughts/ideas (as a larger mind).


I am a person who would rather be alone too; we are among you but unseen and heard ✌


When do we get to discuss the actual good stuff?


So is science 2.0 your favorite TOE then? Or did i miss that part of the convo?


If animals aren't conscious then neither are humans, whether they feel and experience exactly like humans is the question but I've literally met crows smarter than some humans when it comes to logic, not even kidding..


They are totally wrong about economics.


Anastasya is very atractive! Congratulations tothe husband
