If She’s NOT Interested, She'll Do These 5 Things (Every Guy Needs To Know This)

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If she’s not interested, then she’s not interested. I’m not going to chase her and become needy. She’ll put no effort towards you and she’ll take a long time to reply to you. And that’s okay, just move on and you’ll be fine.


If you're asking her questions during your date to get to know her, she gives you short answers and not ask you any questions to get to know you she's might not interested.


"The busiest people in the world make time for what they are interested in "
Golden quote, Courtney.


It’s not what she “does” that lets you know she’s not interested.. it’s what she DOESN’T do. She doesn’t text you first.. doesn’t call you out of the blue, doesn’t reach out to show interest, doesn’t make time for you, doesn’t communicate.. period. This is universal among both men and women.


The striking point of this video I think is "No response is a response", Thanks Courtney.


At the end of the day, if someone isn't interested, give them zero attention.


If you are not interested in someone be an adult and tell them you are not interested. It’s that simple.


In my twenties, I used to feel a blow to my ego whenever I faced rejection, often delving into deep introspection and even shedding tears in the process. With the passage of time and gained experience, I've come to realize that as men, rejection is an inevitable part of life. While it's never a pleasant experience, the key is to embrace it as a natural occurrence. No one enjoys being rejected, but instead of dwelling on the "whys, " it's best to swiftly move forward. Over time, you'll grow accustomed to it, and eventually, it won't even faze you anymore.


-Answer messages one day later
-Short Answers
-Contacts you when she needs something
-Excuses to date you
-She doesnt make questions


Believe me, if she’s interested in you, she will make the time to see you and not make excuses.


No matter how busy someone is they will ALWAYS make time for what is most important to them.


Good advice !, I had a girl once who kept saying she was busy and didn’t respond to messages often, her friends told me she was shy and to not give up on her. I didn’t want to seem like the ass who was rushing her into anything so I gently persisted over weeks thinking she was worth my time and worth the work. When we finally met for a third date she was mildly insulting to me, and I realised not only did she not like me, she had formed her own idea of who I was without getting to know me at all. the shyness hid a judgmental and arrogant character. While a part of me wanted to correct the wrong assumptions I realised Instantly I would be better off putting my time into finding a better person. Feeling happier than I had in a while I nicely excused myself from the date early (no3 of this list I believe). I learned a valuable lesson, don’t waste time and effort on something that doesn’t feel good. Spend it finding something that does.


Ghosting by either party is just rude no matter the intentions. If someone isn't interested, they should just say it. You know that people who ghost don't like it when it's done to them.


If she’s breathing, she’s not interested in me


This video popped up under my suggestions, so I figured I'd check it out.

After a 25+ year relationship/marriage, I find myself back in the dating pool. And it could use some chlorine.

I was introduced by the mom of one of my kid's friends to one of her friends.

We set up a date. She had to cancel (sign #5). When I tried to reschedule, she was too busy that week (#1), but was available the next week. Date went fine, but she had to cut it short (#3). She didn't decline a 2nd date (#4) and it went well. I tried to set up a 3rd date. She was non-committal (maybe #4?) because she was busy (back to #1). I had to go out of town, but offered to take her out for 2 specific events when I got back. She never responded back (#2).

So, I hit on all 5 signs. I had to laugh my way through this video. I don't know that she wasn't interested in me, but I definitely feel like she wasn't ready to date at that point in time.

I would like to add a 6th sign: When the friend that introduced the two of you then tells you she wants to introduce you to ANOTHER friend (without you saying anything to her about how it's going with the first one)...that's probably a sign that the first one isn't going to work out.


A well mannered person who is interested says things like "I can't go on Thursday. Is there any chance we could do it Saturday?" Or perhaps "I'm sorry. I can't make it this time. Please ask me again."


No response might be a response, but it’s a response that they are too immature to be direct. Getting ghosted hurts so much worse than just hearing “sorry, I don’t think this is a good fit”


I asked a girl out once for a Saturday night. She said she was busy, but she said she was free Friday night. That was great knowing she was offering an alternative to my Saturday night date invite.


I once met this awesome girl online that I talked to for two months. She was a bit flaky but to no fault of her own. Things would come up like she was sick, had an appointment etc. But the second time we met in person she said, "I'm still feeling a bit sick but I didn't want to bail on you again." Sometimes, there is genuine interest but things just get in the way. That said, we lost touch because life got a bit too busy for her and she discovered a bit late she wasn't ready to date, but she was upfront and honest with me about that. No ghosting. Again, awesome girl and I wish her well.


"I'm busy."
We're all busy. What makes you so special??
