Electron Configuration I Energy Level, Sublevel, and Orbitals I FULL VIDEO

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Electron configuration is a shorthand notation that describes the distribution of electrons within the atomic orbitals of an atom. It specifies the energy levels and sublevels where electrons are likely to be located. The notation typically uses numbers and letters to represent the principal energy levels and the type of sublevel (s, p, d, or f) in which electrons are found.

An atom has different energy levels which are represented by the symbol "n”. The energy levels are also known as electron shells or principal quantum levels. These energy levels are designated by the numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on.

In an atom, this is the 1st energy level or n=1. The first energy level is the closest to the nucleus and has the lowest energy. Electrons in the first energy level experience a stronger attraction to the positively charged nucleus, resulting in lower energy levels. This is the second energy level, 3rd, 4th and 5th. As the energy levels move higher (n=2, n=3, and so on), the electrons are farther from the nucleus and experience a weaker attraction, leading to higher energy levels.

Each energy level can accommodate a specific maximum number of electrons, and as you move to higher energy levels, the capacity for electrons increases.

Under each energy level, there are sublevels. Sublevel in the first energy level, sublevels in the second energy level, and so on. The Sublevels are also known as subshells. These refer to the different types of orbitals within an energy level where electrons are likely to be found. The sublevels (or subshells) are labeled with letters: s, p, d, and f, and each has a distinct shape and orientation.

Since this sublevel is in the first energy level, we write 1 before the sublevel. In this case, it's 1s. Since these sublevels are in the second energy level, we write 2 before the sublevels. The same applies to the sublevels in the third, fourth, and fifth energy levels. So this number represents the energy level, the letter represents the sublevel.

Sublevels contain orbitals. Orbitals are specific regions of space where electrons are likely to be found.

Each sublevel consists of one or more orbitals. For the s sublevel, there is one orbital. For the p sublevel, there are 3 orbitals. For the d sublevel, there are 5 orbitals. For the f sublevel, there are 7 orbitals. For the g sublevel, there are 9 orbitals. Each orbital has a maximum of 2 electrons, which spin in different directions—one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. Let us fill each orbital with 2 electrons. So, the maximum number of electrons in the s orbital is 2, in the p orbital is 6, in the d orbital is 10, in the f orbital is 14, and in the g orbital is 18 electrons.

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OMG this video has helped me a lot 🔥😭♥️♥️♥️
