Emerging Lessons on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific

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Women’s entrepreneurship is increasingly understood to be a key driver of economic growth and job creation: an estimated $4.5 trillion would be added to Asia and the Pacific’s GDP by 2025 by closing the gender disparities in economic opportunities. Widely recognized as a key component of women’s economic empowerment, entrepreneurship has the potential to contribute significantly to advancing women’s rights, opportunities and influence. Join us for a panel discussion to celebrate the launch of a new publication, Emerging Lessons on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific: Case Studies from the Asian Development Bank and The Asia Foundation. A joint undertaking between the Asian Development Bank and The Asia Foundation, the publication provides an incisive assessment of the situation of women’s entrepreneurship in the region, and proposes concrete measures to improve the enabling environment for women entrepreneurs. The expert panel will reflect on the report findings and go beyond to explore the most pressing challenges women entrepreneurs face in Asia and the Pacific today; proven strategies for addressing gaps; and how organizations, governments, donors, and the private sector can help women-owned businesses to prosper.


Priya Basu, Head, Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) Secretariat, World Bank

Kate Francis, Co-Author, Emerging Lessons on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific

Amarzaya Naran, Former Project Manager, Women’s Business Center and Incubator, The Asia Foundation Mongolia


Jane Sloane, Director, Women’s Empowerment Program, The Asia Foundation

Introductory Remarks:

Bart Édes, Representative, North American Representative Office, Asian Development Bank
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Great panel discussion -- it provides comprehensive information on challenges facing female entrepreneurs and intervention, program design that helped address or reduced obstacle and building enabling environment for women engaging in business. Hope with advance technology, special support from ADB and other development partners, challenges will be minimized and capacity of women entrepreneurs are better advanced which lead to the improved business landscape favorable for women in Asia.


I wish that I could fund-(raise for) "Asia's (and Africa's)_ business_ women", -(especially).
