new skin causes player MELTDOWN

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players aren't happy with the new legendary mythmaker irelia skin set to release during the lunar revel event 2023

league of legends reddit pbe feedback
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Skin definitely isn't as good as the diana one


Didn't even realize the sivir legendary was a legendary until after the event ended


I like how between all the chaos on the reddit comments someone was just like "Yorick didn't even get a hat" 💀


I totally agree with the amount of hate this skin gets. It's like Ezreals Porcelain legendary. Bad animations, no special effects (imagine her changing her aa vfx after fully stacking passive). No map change after penta like Diana or Pyle had. No new form.... just an epic for 1820rp. Her High Noon skin looks more like a legendary than her ACTUAL LEGENDARY. Is that some kind of a curse which makes all legendary lunar new year skins terrible? Alsoo add bere tha fact that she doesn't look like Irelia at all.... BA Caitlyn looks more like Irelia than Irelia on her own skin lmao.


Dark Cosmic Jhin is one of the best skins still to this day, person claiming nobody plays it is wilding, I see it all the time and enjoy it a lot myself.


Jhin's legendary is literally one of the most used skins in the game what was that guy on


0:44 goes to show the quality and pashion that Serhaian expresses through his work, followed him before he was hired by Riot and am so glad he's doing wonders.


After that diana skin, MM irelia looks like it was released 6 years ago.


This is really nothing compared to the Star Guardian WR skins outbreak in summer 2022. Yet Riot ignored all the 3500+ comments in the special Reddit thread and carried on. Shows just how much they care about their players and their wishes.


i wanted to get the irelia skin so bad, but the lack of "legendary feature" is sad, atleast i got the legendary diana skin from a reroll!


"Look at jhin legendary, people wont play it and they hate it", Dark Cosmic Jhin is one of the most used skins of all time LMAO


sobbing that mythmaker gwen is WR exclusive, please riot just give me a single gwen skin


I was so hyped for this skin line especially mythmaker irelia but it sucks to hear that the skin is not as good. Down with the Rito coin flip


It could of been a lot better. It could of gotten a map change like Diana’s. It could of had Chinese lanterns floating across the map or something lol


If judge by looks - she is perfect. Voice - well, could be a bit improved, but fine. Visual effects - poor AA change. Just a little trace of the blade and blades behind her back change a bit. W can be an animation of Phoenix roaring with flames (cause its a charging spell). E animation is basic, but fine, lets leave it for clarity. Q - most usable skill after AA - well, could be better, needs more animations. R - fine. But we need map change on penta kill or something like a second form(maybe after ulting like Leona legendary). For penta we can have like a sakura petals, swirling around us(Ionian stuff), for form - something like a flame armor, but elegant. Dunno, this skin has a lot of opportunities, but nothing being done, except her good looks, hair animation and umbrella


Fuck a skin tbh I'm tired of all these damn new particle effects and not knowing wtf is going on on my screen I need a "disable all skins" button


At first I was thinking that a few people were overreacting on the skin but after comparing the animations and particle effects with her basic I can agree. I don’t think there is much to do in terms of animations as Irelia already has very specific gestures for her kit but this is what I would fix:

-Her ult should look more like an origami bird or crane when shooting out and then form a giant scroll like the one in her joke

-Walking animation should be more casual. I don’t really know why she’s leaning forward ready for battle like her regular. Maybe she can even hold her parasol and fold it back when she is next to a seen enemy or something.

Her E effects are disappointing. It should be two strips of paper that combine into a giant piece of paper that folds vertically when activated.

Her ult should have paper lanterns in the background.


Meanwhile they give gwen, a champion with 2 skins and 0 legendaries in league PC a wild rift exclusive legendary that apparently might change forms. Why riot, why???


Yeah whatever that guy wrote for Dark Cosmic Jhin is delusional


"Stuff we arent able to change: Large scope model changes (ie giving a champion a different hairstyle)

Didnt they change Ocean Song Seraphine's hair? Or was that just in the splashart? Don't remember to well.
