Все публикации

Free rewards for everyone (& new event)

EVERYONE guaranteed free skins, new mythic shop, & MW chests

Leaked legendary your shop & secret emporium sale

A lot of leaks, mastery outrage, Faker's Hall of Legends Ahri event & reroll update

Orange essence nerfed

Riot finally listens to feedback (rare)

Outrage over the new event (& skin sale)

🤡 The Vanguard & Anti-Cheat Circus

Riot took 200 years to fix this (& your shop)

Special chroma update (finally)

Mercedes Benz chest quiz raffle guide (works for 2024 MSI)

Free masterwork & hextech chests

Essence emporium update

Great news about profile banners!

5 bad things you need to know about Arena

Sale of the skins for the free to play video game known as League of Legends and is a very fun MOBA

Trolls & flamers won't like this change

New Naafiri launch pass

Riot cancels event for League of Legends

Players are mad at these huge nerfs

New prime gaming capsule & tokens

Broken champs with skin discounts

You should try this your shop trick

Riot just leaked the summer event