The Shocking Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know! | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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The first time I tried the apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp with water first thing in the morning for 60 days, it dramatically lowered my cholesterol. My doctor asked what I did, told her Apple cider vinegar! I don’t like taking meds and I never did. Im vegetarian and inherited bad cholesterol genes 😊. All is good now. I am going to try the extra virgin olive oil to burn some fat on my belly. I’m 58 years old, 119 lbs 5’3. I walk everyday 2 to 4 miles. Menopause slows my metabolism and I have a desk job! Good luck to All! Thank you Dr Mindy!


A few years ago, I discovered good quality Greek olive oil. It was a life changer, I lost over 20 kg, and mostly because the olive oil kept me satiated and allowed me to not eat carbs and to eat less in general. Empirical, but real.


Just a tip here☝🏼 if you can’t swallow a spoonful of olive oil by its self, squeeze a few drops of lemon in it.
And when you know you’re going to eat some bread or any carbs, drink a few ounces of water and ACV.


Consuming 240 calories of pure fat to burn fat? That is so hard to wrap my head around. My TDEE is so low that this would be 1/5 of my daily intake.


I met a 70 year old man 2 weeks ago who looked as if he was 50 and was superrr active. We asked him what his secret was- he said "I know this is going to sound super strange but 2 tablespoons of olive oil is my secret"!


Yes make sure it’s good authentic olive oil. They’re not all equal!


Great tips as always! Thank you!! Avoid refined olive oil. it is high on pro-inflamatory fats. It has to be virgin and cold-pressed. I do not know how it is labeled in US. In Europe you get either "refined" or "cold-pressed" in the label. Keep an eye on it 😉


I make my own salad dressing using organic EVOO (I’m blessed to live in Italy), ACV (2-1 ratio), pinch of salt, half teaspoon of pepper and 2 tsp of turmeric. Is that enough when added to a salad and veggies or do they need to be taken separately?


OmG!! Who knew! What’s up Doc? 😊 thank you for the informative vid. I’m newly subscribed to your channel and am so glad to be hear. I’m journaling and taking notes at the same time. I’m 53 LBS down since March ‘24. These tips will do Justice for my core. Keep your vids coming. Glad to follow a doctor who’s hitting on topics that’s useful. God bless, 👊🏽


should we take this first thing in the morning back to back. apple cider vinegar and the olive oil


I’m definitely purchasing your new book. It’s actually dropping on my Birthday. 🥳 best wishes


I have started making a drink for breakfast: 1/4 c fresh ginger, 1/2 lemon (all of it, not just the juice), 10-12 oz coconut water, 1 tbs ACV, sprinkle of tumeric, and a couple of grinds of pepper. I blend the ginger and lemon and put it in a strainer while I'm getting the other items, then add the juice to the rest. Been doing it about a week and a half and I'm down 2 lbs. I'll add the EVOO and see if it accelerates!


Is avaloco oil just as good as olive oil?


Are you saying that we should take the EVOO and ACV by the spoonful or add it to our food. Or it doesn't matter?? Thx


“Attaching this to your fasting window” does this mean you can add in the EVOO and ACV WHILE fasting? Just a little confused. Thank you!


I'm thinking one egg, 2tbs good olive oil and 1.5tbs ACV with a little salt and pepper emulsified... a good breaky???


So, can you mix the olive oil and vinegar together. Kind of like a shot of salad dressing??


I purchased a bottle of “ The Governor’s Olive Oil.” It is expensive, but amazing. My trouble is that my gallbladder was removed many years ago, and I experience severe diarrhea take the oil straight.

My daughter and her children take a tablespoon daily and have for years. They live in Greece and have access to amazing EVOO. They seldom get sick!


That’s interesting! In the Quran there’s a verse where God swears by figs and olives. The fasting is part of Islam and so many other health practices. God created us and knows what’s best for us.


Plz tell me a couple of good brands to buy. It’s hard for me to read all the grocery store labels. I love all your videos and how you simplify so many healthy concepts. I lost 15 lbs in August and so far 8 this month. I don’t miss any bad food at all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I had been trying to loose 40 lbs for 10 years. Now I know I will!
