The NEW BEST SOLO CARRY CHAMPIONS on PATCH 14.15 - League of Legends

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0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - Top
3:33 - Jungle
5:56 - Mid
8:42 - ADC
11:01 - Support
13:43 - SkillCapped & Outro

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0:59 Aatrox
1:52 Volibear
2:38 Sett

3:33 Lillia
4:26 Kha Zix
5:13 Nocturne

5:56 Le Blanc
7:07 Lux
7:54 Vex

8:42 Draven
9:37 Miss Fortune
10:14 Twitch

11:03 Seraphine
12:09 Poppy
13:01 Pyke


Ah yes after 7-9 patch volivear n sett is still on top of op pick, someone at riot games is abuse them to climbing


What a troll Lillia ult at 4:10, hahaha


Cant wait to get more jax counterpicks vs my voli pick. Unless they play realy well I tend to win vs them in lane. Trade their stun for your E and you will be winning in my experience.


It is litterally mid patch, they are actually in maitnanace as we speak. Then this video comes out.


As a shen main the meta top makes you really enjoy the game


forget this, go illaoi top, get e -> w -> q and a lot of death protection, now go and throw yourself like an idiot to any teamfight, get in the middle, throw R and spam W, and E, and you secure like 2-1 kills or leave all on low health
for early game just poke with E, always close to tentacles, try to get one on the bushes so you can anticipate that hes going to destroy it, then predict your E and start spamming his soul


cannot believe pyke is at 3th place on support role here, the champ is not easy nor strong enough to compensate the playstyle risk (saying as an otp), I believe thresh/nautilus are more reliable picks and have more potential to shut down enemies, don't go only for the best wr at the moment without considering risk, most of matchups are heavily skill-based and his habilities are skillshots
if you interested in pyke support: always build SymS boots then Umbral, don't go full lethality (more than 3 itens) instead build some resistence (Vigilant Wardstone has merit to build when behind, but usually AR or MR + CDR is good ex. Death's Dance and Maw of Mal.) and ward choke points in the JG


Here’s an MF build for everyone to try, dark harvest with jack of all trades: collector>Mananune>lord dominks (those three items with a Doran’s blade and berseker boots gives you the ten jack stacks and you tear through everyone… then finish with BT and the hex tech ad item that has health (can’t remember the name because I rarely ever get to it)


As a low diamond high emerald sett main, I ban zac. He's broken in the jg and in lane. I love when people pick vayne or aurora because that means they usually dont have a front line which is not good at all. And even if they do the supp / jg are weaker front lines


yes, tell them a slightly worse rune variation for aatrox for them to lower his wr in general


What about Brand? I play Brand Midlane with ghost and carry teamfights every game.


Maybe because I'm bronze but I feel dark harvest has more carry potential on lillia due to the recent buffs


DH buff on Aatrox (lethality) boutta go insane


I am new to the game and this helped a lot.


in jg kayn beats kha voli beats noc and voli beats lillia too cuz ure faster than her cuz ure maxing q 1st and you can change ur build based on enemy team


i think kassadin is a really underatted champion in the mid lane, his ability to carry games after he scales is really really good, and the fact that he can play into any AP matchup makes him even better, the best bans for him are some AD champion that can bully him early like irelia, or an mid adc


Dark harvest lux seems much better in low elo over Fiirst strike/Comet.


Draven mf and twitch have been right behind the long standing op tier champs for a long time now

Riot: let’s nerf ezreal


Wait until bro hears about aatrox bugs. Champion has over 7 MAJOR interaction bugs.
-W does not pull while applying damage
-Passive is slower auto attack (while being auto attack)
-Passive + Hydra (if your passive magic damage is greater than enemies health, it does not proc)
-Passive + Sundered Sky (Sometimes game dont add up their numbers, so damage is same and healing is same as sundered sky proc with normal auto)
-R + Opportunity (Sometimes scales with R movement speed and sometimes it does not)
-E or R + Death Dance (Death dance passive should get buff with E healing or R healing but it does not. It was working)
-E > Passive > Auto is not working intendedly
-Q > Passive > Q sometimes cancels your passive damage and makes your passive go cooldown
---I thinked poeple could say having slower auto attack with passive is not bug, so I added another bug. Normally, Passive has to be same speed with auto attack but rn it is not. I do not mentioned some bugs that you wont see like Riftmaker's omvi-vamp does not work with your passive----
