Architects - 'Memento Mori' (Full Album Stream)

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"Memento Mori" by Architects from the album 'All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us,'' available now

#Architects #Epitaph
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I think Toms last message to us was: "Live a life worth dying for."


"Just let me live and die in peace"... fuck... RIP Tom :(


Fucking hell this hits so hard right now, RIP Tom.


As above, so below
Dismantled piece by piece, what's left will not decease
As within, so without
The seasons bring relief
Let me live and die in peace

I will be consumed, returned into the earth
Only passing through, nothing left to hold on to
Like the thaw against the snow, into the undertow
Cut the chord and cast me out
Cast me out

It's a promise that you cannot break
Was your life worth dying for?
The universe survives on give and take
Death is an open door

It's a promise that you cannot break
Was your life worth dying for?
The universe survives on give and take
Decay is the only law

As above, so below
Dismantled piece by piece, what's left will not decease
As within, so without
The seasons bring relief
Just let me live and die in peace

It'll wear you down, through skin and bone
It's as if my mind has a mind of it's own

It'll wear you down, through skin and bone
It's as if my mind has a mind of it's own

When my heart skips two beats
(I am hidden deep. Fast asleep)
The sea will part, where oceans meet
Finally complete

It's a promise that you cannot break
Was your life worth dying for?
The universe survives on give and take
Death is an open door

It's a promise that you cannot break
Was your life worth dying for?
The universe survives on give and take
Decay is the only law

Swan song
A declaration of endlessness
I swear I will not look back, as I return into the black
When the veil lifts, how will I know?
How will I know?
Will I see God?

As above, so below
Dismantled piece by piece, what's left will not decease
As within, so without
The seasons bring relief
Just let me live and die in peace


If I read the lyrcs for this song I can clearly see how Tom was sure about his death when he wrote them.
Rest in peace brother.
Thanks for everything you taught me :(


Best album of the year..?
Mates, you may not realize that this album will remain as one of the most iconic and everlasting albums of all time.
Aside from the innovation Tom brought to the world of Metal, the state of mind and spirit he was in while writing this album gives it an additional sincerity and significance that we rarely have had the honour of being given to us.

I have only gratitude to Tom for sharing this with us. It’s profoundly touching.
Thank you, Architects ❤️🙏


Well, we all know why we're listening to this today...


"It's a promise you cannot break" hits so hard. Often promises are a positive thing. And if somebody breaks a promise, it was by choice. And this is the exact opposite.


i still can't comprehend lamb of god's memento mori being ranked above this one on youtube if i search memento mori. This is an unforgettable song i will be listening to til i die. it's been a song through varying emotions for me. From pain to extreme happiness i fucking love this song. I love architects, and i'm devastated they will never be the same. i've got tattoos of their album covers. These albums will be with me forever.


Honestly this album is probably going to be the album of the year for me, there isn't a single bad or meh song on this record I legitimately love all of the songs, these songs are the songs that you don't skip when shuffling songs no matter what mood you're in.


I honestly can't believe at first that Tom passed away. I cried my eyes red today while at work. I just can't believe someone like him will be taken away at such a young age.
He was such an inspiration to me, as a musician and as a very kind, genuine person. I met them once when they went here in the Philippines and it all felt very surreal. I remember meeting them after the concert. I had the chance to have a picture taken with Sam, since all other members, Ali, Tom, Dan, and Adam were already inside the van. I kept calling for Tom, because I have a massive crush on him and I really look up to him because he writes songs in such an elegant way. He eventually noticed me, pointed to himself, and I said, non-verbatim, "Yes! Tom, can I have a picture with you?" He was about to go out of the van but sadly he was stopped by the event organizers so he just smiled and waved at me. I was kinda envious of my friends who had the chance to have their picture taken with Tom but I think that would be our own simple moment. My mom, who also loves music, told me, that people who touch as have that effect. That even if we are not blood-related to them, their deaths affect us so much because they touched our lives, possibly even showed light in our lives. She told me that we have their music to keep us company and that they're always alive when we remember them. Much love, respect, and salute to Architects.

Rest in Power, Tom.


I don't know how I got here to discover this mind-opening piece, but this song takes you back and forth, left and right, and all dimensions of all aspects of life, death, birth, and the end of light.


It feels now like so many songs in Architects' oeuvre were foreshadowing Tom's tragic death, but none more than this one. I'm tearing up rn


THAT CLOCK. It makes you feel on your mind that time is going by relentlessly.


It's not fair. He's gone too soon.

Ha, if he saw all of us blubbering like babies he'd probably poke fun at us and tell us that death is an ordinary part of life and that there's nothing to be sad about. But Tom, I know death is an ordinary part of life, just not when you're fucking 28 years old. It's just not fair.

Tom had so much to give, there was just so much he could have done with the rest of his life. In those 28 years, he accomplished more than most people accomplish in their whole life. He was such a great songwriter, such a great guitarist (no matter how much you think yourself to be "a shit guitarist" Tom, I will forever disagree), and a very peaceful person with a lot of empathy and compassion for all. I just can't understand why the best people are snatched off the face of this earth so soon.

The music he wrote helped us and the person that he was motivated us to become better people. Overall, he just made us better - he cured us of our illnesses, whether it be something to do with our mental health or our personalities. But when he needed a cure, there was nothing that anyone could do - and that pisses me off so fucking much.

But if there is anything we can gain from his death is a new-found appreciation and purpose in life. We have something that he was robbed of, and we should value life now more than ever. We must put use to our lives because it's not right for us to just waste our chance of growing old while he could have done something great with that same chance. I know it's hard, but we must muster up the strength to move past this. Tom did not die for us to simply wither away into the shell of the person we once were. If anything, his death opens up a chance for us all to work towards becoming a fraction of the person he was to mend the hole in the greatness of our universe that was created when he passed away.

(And Tom, I mean it when I say that you'll forever be in my heart. I can't even find the words to describe how much an influence you've made on my life and I sincerely mean it when I say that I've become a better person because of you. Your fascination with mindfulness has really rubbed off on me, and the positivity that you exuded took it's toll on my negativity. I am working towards developing a positive mindset to mirror yours with hopes of one day reaching the peacefulness and wisdom you had, as well as the compassion you had for everyone. Also, I've been practicing guitar a shit more than before to ensure that I'll at least become half the guitarist you were. So thank you for everything, Tom, wherever you may be. Thank you).


Man, it is so eerie listening to this song after today. It's like Tom is communicating to us from the beyond...

RIP Tom. Your music and lyrics have gotten me through so much in the last couple of years. Your influence will never be forgotten.

"You can't hang onto yourself, you don't have to try NOT to hang onto yourself. It can't be done, and that is salvation. Memento Mori, Be mindful of death".



Was listening to this as I found out about Tom.


The second half has some strong Interstellar vibes


the complexity of this song is brilliant one of the best end album song ever


