How to use Adobe Camera Raw In Photoshop CC

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Learn how to import photos into Photoshop using Adobe Camera RAW or ACR for short. This is a full ACR tutorial for beginners.

Adobe Camera RAW is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to convert your RAW files into files that can be used inside Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Camera RAW is a RAW photo converts that is usually called ACR. This is a full in depth ACR tutorial for beginners. You will learn how to use ACR in photoshop CC and how to use Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop. you will learn what is adobe camera raw and how to process raw photos in photoshop. Photoshop Raw, photoshop camera RAW and Row photos in Photoshop. How to edit raw photos in photoshop Adobe camera Raw Tutorial.


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when you ve finished editing your photos in camera raw. you go "open image". before pressing the button ''open image'' you hold shift down and it changes as "open object". it automatically converts your image into a smart object in which you can return back and do some changes in camera raw by holding your initial work.


This was a big help! I am happy with my lightroom to photoshop workflow and didn't intend to mess around with Camera Raw. However, I wanted to add a grain preset to the image at the very end of my workflow after sharpening in Photoshop. As you have just demonstrated, I will be able to use Camera Raw as a preset in Photoshop and can add a grain filter at the very last stage of image processing. So helpful and will be added to my workflow. Thank you.


My raw images aren't opening in the raw. It goes straight to photoshoot not allowing me to make specific corrections. How to I make it open a raw image the way yours did?


I watched many tutorials and I must confess I love your style!! keep up the good work!!


What camera do you use for recording? Please reply


Am new to this photography thing, so I got to it partly because my job requires me to, and I just discovered it's better to shoot in raw format, and came across your vid by luck. So helpful! Thank you :D


I always use the Adobe Camera Raw to pull back my colour details in HSL and split toning, really powerful


How come whenever I open any RAW image I've taken with a "Flat" colour profile on my DSLR, it comes into ACR completely changed and usually way over saturated simply from opening it?

The preview before I open it is a nice flat, washed out look that I want to start with before I begin working with the photo in ACR. However I end up having to bring it back from a nearly neon nuclear saturated mess before I can do anything.


I use it every day. It's funny, no later than this morning I was giving substantially the same explanation during a photography course/development... ;) Have a great weekend ahead!


very simple and effective tuotorial good job...


I am using Adobe camera raw to edit my raw photos from nikon, since Lightroom doesn't want to do it. I only have one question. I am editing hundreds of photos at a time, and It won't all get done in one day. How can I save my progress, so if photoshop is closed, I can reopen it and continue where I left off like I would do in lightroom? Please help.


Hi great vid as usual! I've started using ACR with Photo Mechanic. I load images in to ACR and edit my pics then click open image/s and run a resizing action which can also be set easily in PM when I FTP my images. By clicking Save-As does it just save images to a designated folder and misses Ps altogether? I'm just looking to a super fast workflow for sports photography where time IS money 👍🏻⚽️📷


I'm using Adobe Raw in Photoshop CC opening RW2 files from my Lumix camera. If I drop in more than one file it's not giving me the strip of pictures on the left side that I always got in Photoshop CS6. I didn't see any settings in preferences to change this. Any advice?


Hello, I have CS6 and I have a problem..

Whenever I edit a photo and I push the blacks in the picture to be too dark, these dark parts of the image appear as blue on the preview screen and it really messes up my work flow as I can't display how the image really looks with my editing choices. How can I get rid of this blue solid color that covers the dark parts so I can see the preview of my image correctly??


Hi Gregoryi

i have a small doubt about wacom tablet intous pro , i am sure you can help me on it

alt / option key on keyboard is not working with wacom pen .
for example,
Quick selection tool in photoshop, i cant subtract it by holding alt key
its only adding selection
, i think grip pen settings has to be changed
i failed to fix this problem :( ( i am using updated software for wacom on mac OSX )

thanks bro


I was hoping to hear some info about profiles at the bottom of the pane. Do you happen to know if Instagram supports 16bit JPGs?


So this "Adobe Camera Raw" is already combined with PS when you buy it or you have to buy it extra? How about Photoshop elements?


There is a Camera RAW filter in Photoshop?!?! This is such a great thing for me to know. Thank you for pointing out what should and should not be done in Camera RAW. I am trying to keep track of when to use Lightroom, Photoshop, and Camera RAW. Your tutorials are extremely helpful! Ed, are these the actual tutorials in your full course?


what my picture isnt raw and its normal jpg I want those controls to edit the colours but it wont open like that with a regular jpg


Thank you Ed for this excellent tutorial.
