How Much Can I Make Working in I.T.? - I.T. Salary Questions

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If you've wondered how much you can make working in information technology check out this video. Please keep in mind that this information only consists of my experiences and the information that I have used in the Chicago area.

If you are looking to see what salary ranges are for i.t. jobs this video can help you but please keep in mind that salaries will vary from location to location. This is only a GENERAL IDEA of what you could potentially earn.

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I started in IT (Helpdesk) in 2001. Worked my ass off, making ~$32k. Built up my reputation and networked a lot within the company. Got on supporting senior Executives and got a huge raise. Took on projects and things outside of normal break fix. Became an technical PM and now make > 4x's what I did 15yrs ago. Bottom line: Work hard, always do more than what is expected, look for opportunities to do things outside of your normal job and build your network.


Simple answer is from 30K to 1 Million
Help Desk 30-40K
Junior positions 40-60K
Senior positions 60-100K
Managers and Consultants 100-150K
Directors and Experts 150-250K
Elites and Unicorns 250-500K
Bug Bounty Hunters 50K-1M+


In the Denver Area, starting IT is around 40K-50K. Denver has a pretty healthy IT market if you're looking for a job.
There's plenty of jobs that are 75K+ if you have more experience.


These videos help so much for someone looking to make a career change. Thank you


Thank you for this insight!! Great video!!!


I started out as a entry level tech, making about 26k a year. Now with certifications and experience, I started working as a IT Support Engineer making about 45k so far so good. Time and experience plays a big role on getting a better job, you just have to be patient.


Thank you for the honest straight forward explanation


Im currently a filed tech and make 40k but just got another job as a level ll technician and I was able to negotiate to 54k. I'm currently 26 with an Associates degree and almost done with my Bachelors if that matters or not.


You’re in Chicago that made me a subscriber I’m in Chicago and lost in terms of a career I’m in technology field for low voltage but not passionate about it


21 years old here. No bachelors. Just only associate. No certs. I get paid 20 and it’s full time job. Level 1 help desk. I have 2 years of experience in IT. And two other years in being familiar with computers and jobs that have to do with computer but not actual IT jobs.


Net question that I havent seen anyone asked yet and i'm surprised about is the average hours you work a week. Do you still only work 40 at most? a typical work work for an hourly employee is 40 hours a week and any more gains overtime pay. When getting into IT some positions except entry level ones appear to be salary based. With a salary based pay do you still get overtime and if so how do they determine overtime pay? how do they determine if you qualify for overtime pay? I had heard with some salaried employees from other business that you need to make under a certain amount to qualify for over time pay as well. Could you share info about this with us?


I.T security positions pay so bloody well


Love that you are from Chicago as I'm from Chicago as well. I'm getting a masters in psychology (behavior psychology) and want to go into IT. What jobs do you think would fit this? I've only worked as a BA for a health insurance company working with IT.


Love! your series, I'm considering a career change. And am right on the cusp of taking something post secondary wise.


I work at a small chemical sales / production company as a delivery driver. The owner is looking for an IT tech to cover company servers / computers, driver electronic logging devices, and various computer controlled door equipment. With no degree, what certifications or classes should I consider? Thank you for information that you supply to the community.


How much I'm I likely to make with a masters in information systems, management of information systems? And what are the kind of jobs I am likely to get?


I currently live in Seattle and I'm starting my Bachelor's Degree. What my expected annual salary...


What about if you just a 9 month certification from somewhere like Virgina college?


I'm managing to study I.T in the university in the future .. and then I saw ur video about the salary and I'm surprised.. so is it good to study this jop in American or somewhere else and go work in Qatar or in Dubai or something like that ?


It varies even within company...I've seen admins who know nothing about IT make 55k and it analysts make 50k...I've also seen it analysts make 80k+ w a couple years experience all in same company.
