Searching For Hidden Treasure And Extreme RARE FINDS 😳 | Salvage Hunters - S5 | House to Home

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Join us for our latest mega marathon of Salvage Hunters where we head back through season 5 in search of hidden treasures and extremely rare finds! 👀

Episodes included are:

Season 5 Episode 1: The stakes are unusually high as Drew and the team prepares to launch a new retail space at Liberty, one of London’s most luxurious department stores. At an old Lincolnshire theatre Drew falls for an unusual cow’s head. Later, a major dig through the outbuildings of a 17th Century house eventually yields a cast iron gem. And the chaps hope to fill the nearly empty at a brand new salvage yard.

Season 5 Episode 2: Drew and Tee head to York where an old chicken farm now houses a massive stockpile of scenery and props. Later, Drew has a date with his dream car, but a fateful test drive may just derail his fantasy. Down the road in Suffolk, Drew spots an unusual model castle, but the asking price could put the prime real estate beyond his reach.

Season 5 Episode 3: Drew and his antique chum Rob are awestruck when they visit the largest privately owned home in Britain. Later, at a salvage operation in Glasgow, Drew loses his mind over a trio of carved folk art heads. The following morning, Drew and Tee visits Scotland’s last remaining tartan factory where they uncover a sample designed for the legendary King of Rock’n’Roll himself.

Season 5 Episode 4: A massive Derbyshire props business is home to a slew of oversize industrial antiques and a few must-have gems. Down the road in Worcester, the chaps hunt for hidden treasure at an 11th-century fortress turned manor house. Later, an old-school London salvage yard features some amazing finds at big-city prices.

Season 5 Episode 5: Facing a collector with a rock-solid negotiating strategy, Drew counters with a winning tactic of his own. At a 500-year-old Tudor manor in Cheshire, Drew vies for a pair of intriguing sculptures in the summerhouse. And, at a salvage yard in Kent, Drew uncovers a ragtag collection of Victorian-era gems.

Season 5 Episode 6: Drew and Tee find a heavy-duty surprise at a magnificent country house in Scotland. In Edinburgh, the chaps visit a former veterinary college turned arts center and scour the massive building for overlooked Victorian artifacts. Later, at an antique dealer in Yorkshire, Drew uncovers a host of the weird and wonderful antiques he lives for.

Season 5 Episode 7: Taking their treasure hunt offshore, Drew and Tee head to the Isle of Man where they hope its unique history will mean a truckload of rare finds. At a motorbike museum, Drew makes a series of staggering discoveries. Later, the chaps find inspiration at an architectural salvage yard. And, a furniture restoration shop is home to some of the best pieces Drew has seen in ages.

Season 5 Episode 8: Drew hunts for hidden treasure at a stately 400-year-old school in Cambridgeshire. Down the road in Herefordshire, the chaps tour one of the oldest paper mills in the UK. Later, at a spectacular home turned opera venue in Buckinghamshire, the lady of the house reveals her eclectic collection and penchant for negotiation.

Season 5 Episode 9: At a medieval castle in Cumbria, Drew gets a lesson in tomfoolery and tries to seal the deal on the ultimate car accessory. At a working carriage museum in Derbyshire, Drew inadvertently smashes an apothecary relic and later compensates by paying a premium for a pair of unusual masks. Later, a meticulous motor museum offers Drew a blast from the past.

Season 5 Episode 10: At a Welsh castle, Drew solves a centuries-old salvage mystery, but finding hidden treasure proves trickier than expected. Down the road in Somerset, a mammoth school is clearing out its storage areas and that’s good news for Drew. Later, just a few miles from home, Drew and Tee visit a local slate mine where they uncover an entire Victorian chemist’s shop.

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Рекомендации по теме

Found this show. Am bingeing away. And if it weren’t for atmospheric river storms here in NorCal I would be beelining for my local salvage yards. Thank you Drew, T and Rebecca for the inspiration!


I'm over the moon about this too! Absolutly mad for Liberty Of London! ConGrats this is quite a hallmark!


I just found this show last week and have been binge watching!


The Wentworth Woodhouse was fantastic! Literally gave me chills.


I love watching Drew's team bring back to life old things. I'm old enough now to appreciate the skill involved. They just get on with it without patting each other on the back and self congratulating. I like that about the brits


Love what Drew did at Liberty, he's got such a discerning eye. Glad to hear how impressed Rebecca was. Enjoyed the Isle of Man Seller and bike ride.


Just a great eye. Love what you find. And the wonderful lessons of dealing.


The three wooden heads I believe are the Marx Brothers, with Groucho Marx wearing the glasses and the explorer's hat. Great find!


Drew you should be so proud.
Everything you've worked for came together and looks amazing. Well done you! 🏆💯


I'm in America and I have fallen in love with this show. The funny thing is I know a guy named Shawn who is a twin too T. Living here in my state


Glad that one guy did not hold on to the yellow heads for his kids, the would likely hate them 😆
The haggis story cracked me up!


Eine Wundervolle Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit den Händlern, die Chemie stimmt, einfach nur Fantastisch. Ausgefallen Lampen, Mofa's, Lederjacke. Jede Episode, ist ein Wahnsinniger Jackpot. Tausend Dank für die Mühe. Danke an die Suvavel Hunters. 👏👏👏❤️


....Hallo Drew! Dein Team ist echt Spitze -- und wie Du den Verkäufern etwas im Preis drückst ist super!!!...


I am completely addicted to this show.


It just keeps getting better and better!❤


I can barely get my kitchen perfect some mornings, he, s amazing.


Wow, T just casually dropped a King Lear reference in the Tom Foolery scene!


The 'tomfoolery'cabinats could have been tipped upside down. Then the cabinet tipped woth the feet maneuvered under the opening of the doorway.


Drew, I took my licence in a black VW


As an anthropology nerd I was genuinely brought to tears watching you bring those panels back to where they belong! 🥲
