Fujifilm's incredibly smart move

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It's been a few years now and I think we can say that Fujifilm found great success with the GFX line of medium format digital cameras. What do you think? Was this a great move on Fujifilm's part?

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As a Pentaxian, I am use to being on the low position in the eyes of the photo/video masses. But there is something about being there and proving through images that no matter the camera brand, the camera is a tool in the hand of the creative. I bought into a lens ecosystem that was not expensive and has a large variety of vintage lens. I seen people who use Fuji cameras I can see a difference of the variety of film simulations as one of the best reason to get into a Fuji camera. I been shooting m4/3 and aps-c never got into full or medium format. Would I like to?, sure, but saving money and not spending huge amounts on the latest greatest is something I enjoy as well. Always great content here on your channel and looking forward to the next video! Thanks for sharing!


Great video. As a GFX user (100 OG and II) I second your opinion. The beautiful thing about the system is there is a 35mm (Full Frame) mode, so you essentially have a medium format camera AND a full frame camera all-in-one. That’s where the “More Than Full-frame” tagline came from. If you don’t need blistering speed, but want the ultimate image quality GFX is the answer.


Fit is important. A lesson from Manfrotto. They made a Gimbal recently. Everyone thought it was weird for them to do and then bought the Ronin they were always going to buy.
Fuji on the other hand just took what made X good and scaled it up. It's a good fit.


About half a year ago I bought a Panasonic S5 for cheap. I know it isn't the latest and the greatest. I did it to experience how great full frame was over M43. Before I only had extensive experience with 35mm film. The thing I hate the most is the lack of DOF when I need it🤣. I shoot cars professionally, I need lots of DOF most of the time. In general it means I need two stops higher aperture and iso. When I am on the streets I also find it hard to make candid shots with it.

Dear (M)4/3 and APS-C users don't get trapped in the FF fairy tail. Spending/wasting money on FF won't make you a better photographer. Experience, education, patience and insight do. Yes FF has it merits but M4/3 and APS-C have as many too. It all comes to what type of photography you practise.


Fuji went APS-c because the are a small company and FF market has lower volume so the image sensor subcontractors will not take them seriously. Fuji went after APS-C to Medium format because in the 60, 70, 80 and 90’s they hade medium format film cameras competing with Bronica, Hasselblad, Mamiya and Pentax.


Your logic is I believe Fuji logic and I believe has been a winner so far. I have gone through the 50r. 100. 100s and 50sii. Now just got the 100ii. Continuing improvements and innovation. I bet that if someone would have produced for them a stacked MF 100mp sensor, they would have put it in it (maybe in the next iteration or perhaps in a 50siii). The video capabilities are insane for MF. Although not really useful for a nearly exclusively still photographer like myself. Perhaps a cheaper photo centric version of the 100ii would be helpful. By and large the best image quality camera on the market with modern technology and reasonable price. Depending on user case possibly no alternative today.


Its hard to go up against Sony because they make the sensors. Nikon and Panasonic all they have to fight back is color science and Nikon has a better mount for faster flash. Canon makes their own sensors but they seem to always be way behind.

I shoot M43 and I might invest in full frame at some point but as a wedding photographer I really don't want to buy that much. For example I bring three bodies and three flashes and even back up lens. So if I go full frame its going to be more for portraits and maybe build up a kit overtime.
