The Internet Won't Stand For Tomi Lahren Likening KKK To BLM

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Tomi Lahren is no stranger to controversy. The news anchor regularly receives backlash for her strong statements on Glenn Beck's The Blaze.

"Beyoncé didn't reference the Black Panthers to bring about some sort of positive change. She did it to get attention. Good for you, you made headlines," Lahren said in response to Beyoncé's Super Bowl halftime performance.

But now that controversy is presenting itself in the form of a petition to get her off the air for good.

On the night a shooter killed five police officers in Dallas, Texas, Lahren likened the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK on Twitter. That tweet has since been deleted but was captured by multiple media outlets and quickly went viral.

The petition reads in part, "The purpose of this petition is to not only show the complete disgust that the public has with Tomi Lahren, but to also demand INTEGRITY from all of our news and media outlets."

Lahren later apologized for the KKK statement — kind of. 

"I'm outspoken, I'm controversial and I'm a human being, but one thing I am not is a racist. I'm also not going to be backed into a corner and silenced — we all say crap we don't mean when we're upset, and if my tweets on the night of the Dallas ambush hurt you — I apologize — but don't for one second think I don't have the right to criticize a movement I find destructive, damaging and dangerous," Lahren said.

So far, The Blaze hasn't commented on the petition.

Music by "Modulation of the Spirit" by Little Glass Men / CC BY 4.0 

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This video is from 4 years ago and BLM here right more and more by the day. BLM is the Klan with a tan lol


Correction: The Internet Won't Stand For the Truth


I am a black man, I love that lady cause she speaks truth. This is getting ridiculous. Why can't people speak their mind anymore in this country? What is going on?


And here we are, 4 years later. TOMI CALLED IT !


Tomi is probably the only person in America that is telling it like it is. If the truth upsets you, then most likely, you are part of the problem!!! Love you, Tomi...not in love, but, how you stand up for the majority of Americans that won't stand up for what the basic fundamental foundation of what the USA was founded on.What bothers me the most, is...the current administration has been a threat to national security and no one has brought this to thoughts????


Just can't handle hearing the truth so the bashing begins. #teamtomi


I think Tomi was right.



Yall are crazy if u think the blaze or fox news is gonna let anything happen to tomi. she has too much power in her corner.


When I was blind I thought she was racist but now I can see the truth


I'm not the public's way where they're vocabulary is not as honest, I'm as honest enough and the blonde chic is sexy is just my comment.


Wow, what a heartfelt apology. Credibility: 4 %


She is a nice lady stop hating on someone cause there white


The problem with Tomi Lahren is she talks the talk, but she can't walk the walk. Talk is cheap, especially when it comes to her undying support for Police Brutality in this country, when she herself has never been brutalized by Police or their Criminal Justice system.

I'd like to see her badly accosted, denied her rights, brutalized and assaulted by police. Just curious if she'd sing a different tune on Police Brutality if that happened to her.

I read a report that this Conservative Breitbart reporter changed his tune on Police Brutality in this country after he was arrested and accosted by police in Baton Rouge, despite showing up to the protests with a Pro-Police, Anti-BLM mindset

She should try getting badly accosted and brutalized by police sometime, it'll give her voice on these matters a lot more credibility, as opposed to none which is what she currently holds.


Don't back down, if you where black you statement would have been fine .


INTEGRITY ? in msm ? no such thing exist. they cut and splice EVERYTHING to sell their slant of the story. they did it to me. i called the reporter, said that's not what i said, her response, well, we have poetic license.
i said that's BS, we need TRUTH in reporting, the way it once was and should be required today. we NEED LAWS with teeth to deal with all the propaganda being broadcast.

Why should someone have to apologize for speaking the truth? Just because she doesn't candy coat everything with politically correct language doesn't mean that what she is saying is not accurate.. I like Tomi- she is unafraid to tell it like it is. More power to her!


If i had a dollar everytime I saw a bullshit petition on


I love how a certain someone just responds with childish name calling. Good job proving everyone's point.


Some of the stuff that Tomi says I can agree with but most of it it just bullshit. So many people think she's "Speaking the truth." and they think that if you get mad over what she says then you are part of the problem. Tomi has some good points but other than that she's just a girl yelling at the camera.


blm is worse and active. i haven't heard anything from the KKK in years. floyds accidental suicide, s [ by swallowing ALL the evidence on him ] reaction is what juicy was trying to do.