The Books That Made Me: 'Letting Go'

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I get asked A LOT about what #books I'm reading, or recommendations on what to here we have...some semblance of a book club, read along, analysis of the books that have made me and inspired me.

Produced by Jenny May Finn (Instagram: @jennymayfinn)
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The last time I saw my father alive he recommended Letting Go to me and couldn't stop talking about it. I regret I wasn't paying much attention since we were at a family gathering, but he was emphatic, telling me I must read this book. We didn't know then that he had cancer, and within days of finding out, he was gone. In the midst of my grief, the name of this book returned to me and I immediately bought it to discover what my father had been talking about. It was his last great gift to me.


Absolute chills when I saw this thumbnail, I just came out of one of the worst depressions of my life a few weeks ago and this book was my strength through it all, Russell you are an amazing guy, and so is Hawkins.


When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found. Blessings to all x


I always loved Russell as a comedian, but now I love him more bc of his calm positive energy and inner beauty. Thanks Russell!


“Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” 🙏🏽


Hawkins was a spiritual giant. Definitely a whole other level. Changed and still changes my life everyday.


"When I let go of what I am
I become what i might be."
~Lao Tzu ❤️🙏🏽


this book "Letting Go" was huge for me back in 2012 when I read it. I was lucky enough to be at David Hawkins' last public talk before he passed away. Deep soul.


Letting Go was a life changer for me. absolutely loved it! but also a big reminder to never judge a book by its cover 'cause hot damn... it looks boring as hell. took me ages to start but when i did, i was obsessed. let go let go let go xx


Letting Go opened up my mind after the first 4 years of my own recovery as did Power vs Force and Levels of Consciousness. David Hawkins was brilliant and in a way was his own parody with an over-the-top vocabulary that even he made fun of. A quote that I almost live my by from Power vs. Force is, "By taking responsibility for the consequences of their perceptions, observers can transcend the role of victim to an understanding that nothing has power over them." Responsibility for the CONSEQUENCES of my perceptions??? Beautiful!


If you read this message, I hope that you can stay focused on whatever task you've been putting aside, art/music/photo/video/etc., the time is now to take action. We're all here watching this clip together and most likely the majority of us didn't search for it. Let's all let go of that heavy anchor in our thoughts and let the wind and currents guide us while we sail with the wind.


After finally reading Letting Go, I must say this book has changed my life and it's not often I say this. I was put on the waiting list for maybe a year or so completely forgot about it, then it came at the right time. Its just the simple little things in this book that made me appreciate it so lovingly. For example, usually after I have read a great book, watched a solid movie or listened to the best song in the world, I want to sing praises to everyone I know but this book makes me even refrain from doing that because I realise I would likely be promoting this book from a prideful point of view. I now see the difference as you will, its completely humbling. I began to cry in some parts of the book because I feel a part of myself was dying, the ego. Or I felt I finally saw the real nature of the universe. It's a tremendous book. Thank you Russell, Thank you David.


Letting go is THE book that changed my life. I am so grateful to Dr David R. Hawkins.


I have to admire a man who so loves his mother.


Letting Go. This is the 2nd time this book
has crossed my path this week. I guess I’m being nudged to read it. I do have the book so will pick it up.


"A duck after conflict will shake itself as it moves away from its opponent. We allow trauma to live in our body." Incredibly amusing but profound.


Letting Go is hands down one of my favorite. I've read it about 13 times. It goes deeper every read.


‘Letting Go. The Pathway to Surrender’ is truly transformative. It has had a profound impact on my life in a relatively short period of time. The letting go technique that David R Hawkins describes is simple, applicable is any situation, and very effective in quickly identifying negative emotions and surrendering them. It is by far the most practical way to reach higher levels of consciousness


Letting Go is such a great book. Completely transformed my life and improved my physical and mental health. I’m so glad you are talking about it!


Hell yeah, David Hawkins. He's been one of my teachers since the early 2000s, he has such a powerful way of relating ideas. My favorite book of his, or the one that had the most impact on me, was 'Transcending the Levels of Consciousness'. This makes me want to go look at my copy of Letting Go though, there is so much value in each of his books.
