Chara vs Error 404 Sans | @Real-Debates-Fans

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Pausing the comments on this video cause I don't wanna keep debating people on this topic that much, I debated this topic too many times (also because most of yall alphatale fans are booty cheeks at scaling 404), but if for whatever you still have contentions or want to discuss on this topic, my discord user is in my bio. if you're gonna add up, try to remain respectful, and I will do the same.


Chara: Time to di..
Error 404: Godray baby 🫴


As a og undertale fan in my opinion chara has the strength with almost inf dmg in his knife stats. But chara only has strength. Error404 gets all except strength error404 wins. Error404 sans can dodge everything and literally a strong sans in the error family even can break save points from human with his skills. This video is just cap is it because its og chara means its strong? Your wrong Chara needs to stab error404 sans thousand times until he manage to hit error 404 but chara would loose how many times even he tries he always gets killed like the sans fight he would actually die and loose stamina and actually chara would stop Fighting and just get attacked by 404's attacks and actually die.But if he loose wayyy to much his save point would break apart for saving and loading too much Why not show this to alot of REAL undertale fandoms? You'll make a war start i still have many questions from this video but its just too long. It doesn't mean im talking that error 404 is strong because i like him im just speaking facts just to prove this video isn't right❌

Edit: you're saying that chara can solo the verse. While chara cant defeat gaster in his own universe, cant even kill asriel in pacifist route, cant even kill toby fox aka undertale creator, cant even kill sans with one shot or actually needs to make sans tired and kill him chara really needs to save and load everytime just to defeat sans. Haven't you seen the real game yet? Your chara. You cant even kill sans in your first time in the internet chara does kills sans without any save points but since the the real game is the lore and shows you how everything works chara cant solo anything in undertale unless if he only had a mass power with the 6 souls and One more. Chara cant defeat amalgamates even with his hands and dummy and napstablook aswell.How do you think a normal human having a real knife with pure omnibersal level damage with a speed of sound could defeat gods?just like Error404?😵‍💫 You really need to see the wikipedia of error404 movements, skills, about error404's lore.
All sans au is suppose to be the Normal Undertale Sans at the start with All of them having a lore. Prove me wrong Pe4ry.editz_ im waiting for you and ill also wait until thousand of undertale fandoms comes here and force you to remake this video with a facts. and start a war beetween you and this video.


Me at first: Bruh 404 would-
Me: thinks about it way too much*
Also me: Well then-


Uh error 404 can lift a whole universe in one hand also chara is acually multiversal while 404 is boundless he also destroyed hyperverses, outerverses which both contain multiverses also in one of his form that is not his strongest he threatened reality itself heck even error can destroy a timeline even though he is fodder to error404 so yeah error 404 is stronger than error who is stronger than chara stop the fanboy😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Chara:time to die
Error 404: imma just turn into my B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. form


Error 404 (blind folded and no faster blasters) no difs Chara (with human souls)


Durability to 404: his hp is hella high bruh. Many abilities of 404 one taps chara. Since 10 bones of sans do good dmg to chara 404 one taps chara. But at the and chara would re-. Naaahh. Her code would get hacked or sth. 404 would destroy the spawn points.


i would say error 404 would win. All he gotta do is freeze Chara, and godray Chara enough times she start lookin like spondgebob. Lets just assume error 404 already heard of chara, and what chara is capable of. If he already knows, then BROS WINNING! if not, it depends.


It's not right so here's how error 4O4 would win.
1. Error 4O4 has strength that can destroy AUs
2. Error 4O4 can use godrays to delete anything it touches
3. Error 4O4 can use reality manipulation
4. Error 4O4 can teleport anywhere in the multiverse
5. Error 4O4 can make insane things with his bones
And finally Error 4O4 can block attacks of Chara.


404 no diffs chara not even with cheats in the game you fight him in your still forced to lose and he erases your cheats and kills you anyways




Chara: die or be my t-
Error 404: HOLLOW GOD RAY 🔵🙏🔴 🤌 🫴🟣


That one annoying dog thingy:damn that’s ruff


Well. Chara can't eeven touch ever if its sky fight like other sans vs sans doing


literally just error 404 removes chara's code and that's it, the other chara tells him that in his world he is so-so god but error 404 is god in all the aus in case he is stronger than the king of the multiverses himself ._. but hey, that's what it is


Anyone Just saw the remake and seeing if there is a short abt it?


but but but Error 404 is litreally a god he can delete chara in seconds he cant even take damage chara can only reset if error 404 deletes her code no way she can


Error 404 is a god and chara is just a 10 year old kid with a knife


i don't understand why kids love this fan made character
it's just a copy of sans
