Veganism Destroyed My Mind & Body | Why I’m No Longer Vegan

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*1).* I quit cannabis 2 1/2 years ago, therefore, my mental illness was not caused by cannabis.Was still anxious, depressed, with worsening ADD while sober and vegan.

*2).* I forgot to mention that I DID GO TO A DOCTOR. The wait time was about a month, and there was no way in hell I was going to delay making any changes to my diet during that time. By the time I got to the doctor, there wasn't much for her to look at because I had cleared the symptoms myself. 

Go to to see others who have done the same. My doctor pressed down on every part of my midsection, and there was no pain..contrasted with weeks/months before where I couldn't even have a life outside of the bathroom or stand up straight. We had a long discussion about diet, and that in order to further manage my symptoms, I should pay attention to foods that cause flare ups & avoid them. Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

*3).* It is naive to suggest that people cannot and do not develop physical health issues from eating plant-based. I received many messages from people who have also developed IBS/IBD/Crohn's/UC from eating plant-based. Many got worse eating vegan. *PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY* and what it tells you. That is my take away message with all of this. 

Sometimes what your body needs is different than what your mind believes.

I did what was mature and smart, and I made a change. It worked out and I am relieved to have done so holistically. That was and always will be my message on this channel. I accept my life for what it is now. I'm glad I was vegan to understand the cruelty that happens in this world, so that I can move forward making more ethical choices ❤


I see people continuously shaming ex-vegans for not researching enough or not going to enough doctors to look into their symptoms or not eating enough of a particular thing or not taking enough supplements, etc, etc. Shouldn’t the fact that it takes around-the-clock effort, planning, strategy, several months or years of research, numerous supplements, the guidance of health professionals, etc for regular people to fully nourish themselves on a vegan diet show that the vegan diet may not be the best natural choice for the human body? What about people in other countries who don’t have access to the variety of plant-based food or supplements? What if people don’t have access to the information you have on knowing exactly what to eat? What if people don’t have health insurance to see doctors when they become sick on vegan diets? If it’s so easy to go malnourished on a vegan diet, it leads me to believe that humans are omnivores after all....I always see vegans saying “It’s not the vegan diet that made you sick, it’s because you didn’t eat this and this and this and that or because you didn’t take these supplements or research that, this and this.” I don’t see people on standard diets going malnourished from making a couple wrong decisions throughout week. It takes little to no effort to nourish myself and my kids on a standard diet. Sure, you can argue that too much meat and fat affects your health and heart, and I would even agree, but not malnourishment. I especially see problems with vegan parents trying to keep their vegan kids nourished and being shamed for giving up when their kids drop too much weight. I see a lot of vegan people in privileged countries trying hard to do all the right things, and then going malnourished and quitting after years of trying. To me, that’s a problem seeing as not all humans have access to the internet or resources that privileged people do. The fact that you have to be strategic and have all these resources in order to not starve, isn’t really showing others that this is the natural way for the human body. I don’t eat a lot of animal products and detest most meats but I don’t have to constantly think hard throughout the day at all and be strategic about my food choices in order not to become malnourished. That speaks volumes to me. On an a standard diet you can afford to skip meals or fast and not feel weak, sick or affected. When I observe friends and family on vegan diets, missing a meal or not abiding by the perfect vegan lifestyle blueprint, they become discolored, easily fatigued and complain of feeling weak or sick. You don’t see that with most actual herbivore animals. Many plant-eating animals can even go days without a food source and don’t need extra supplements to remain healthy or strong. When it comes to humans on vegan diets who are supposedly “herbivores” too, however, they can literally die or become sick from simply not sticking to a specific script... ESPECIALLY growing children. In my humble opinion, it just doesn’t seem like a lifestyle that the majority of population can sustain without your internet guides and an access to a variety of vegetables, nuts, fruits, oils, supplements, etc... especially for people in colder climates, hot or dry climates, poorer countries, counties that don’t participate in international trade of particular goods, villages who only farm a handful of produce or people who simply haven’t run into the research that you’ve encountered in your vegan journey. If so many vegan people have failed while being privileged and living in first world countries with access to so many resources... what does that say for the rest of us in the world who aren’t so privileged and lucky?


I was vegan. I ate fresh fruit, beans, vegetables, whole grains and tofu. I stayed away from junk food and ate as healthy as possible. I gained 20 pounds, looked pregnant from the bloating, and developed reactive hypoglycemia from so many carbs. My triglycerides went through the roof! I will never eat that way again! Congratulations on your brave steps to better health.


Stoked for you. They'll say "you did it wrong", "you were never really vegan", and will try to gaslight you into guilt and shame about getting your life back. There's no going back when one realizes just how essential animal foods are. The cultists cannot see the truth through the fogged windows of their glass house, but they'll thank you later.


“I feel like I re-entered the planet from a really weird distant far land that I never want to return to”



You just had to wait another 2 decades to properly detox and you would have been fine. Lol


I went Carnivore one year ago, and ended 20 plus years of suffering from colitis, and bouts of SIBO and depression in just the first 2 months. Now 52, I feel in better health of body and mind than when I was 30.
Best of health to you😊


Ex vegan 8 years. Developed low stomach acid, which turned to GERD and now have ulcers ( no I dont have H. Pylori). Colon polyps, despite the shit ton of fiber I was consuming. Ibs, cystic acne, joint pain, still had high cholesterol despite the lack of it in my diet ( yes I know we produce it naturally), high blood sugar from all the grains/carbs. Damn!!! Wish i never went vegan. I went vegan before it was a fad and stopped it before it was mainstream. I didnt have all these ex vegan videos or blogs when I quit. Im so glad it wasn't in my head. Feels good to see so many ex vegans.


The thing about animals is it's natual to eat them. You can't expect a lion to not rip the throat out of a deer and literally eat it from the guts out while it's still alive. The lion needs it.
We are made the same way, if we didn't eat animals we wouldn't have survived. Our brains are 60% fat and 20 cholesterol. We need it.


[insert angry cult vegan response]:

“You ate too much fruits and vegetables!”

“You didn’t eat enough fruits and vegetables!”

“You ate too much processed vegan food!”

“You didn’t eat enough soy and wheat products!”

“You ate too much fat!”

“You didn’t eat enough fat”

“It’s just detox bro”

“You water fasted too much!”

“You didn’t fast enough!”


I am currently vegan but have my doubts on this diet as well. I am on the verge of changing my diet but still monitoring it.


Imagine if every time an animal eater got heart disease, cancer, strokes, a headache, pimple or felt tired they made a video about "why I'm no longer eating animals" lol.


This brings me some comfort. This is very similar to my story. I grew up with a sensitive stomach and quit eating meat in summer of 2016; I was only 16 years old. Two months into it, I developed IBS with horrible body inflammation, acid reflux, so much sickness and pain, and I saw a bilion doctors. I was hospitalized a few times because of this throughout the years. I also suffered from mental health issues and I feel like I only thrived on a planet based diet for a fraction of the past 3.5 years. The end of 2019 was one of the worst years of my health...I had chronic panic attacks, became lost incredible weight, couldn't focus on school at all with a stem major, couldn't even function at work or drive, HORRIBLE brain fog, and muscle spasms that would not stop. I felt like I was zoned out of reality in class. It was one of the worst times in my life because I felt like I lost myself. I would wake up exhausted and unmotivated, and I am not that type of person at all. It got to a point where I couldn't eat without pain; it felt like my body was not absorbing anythig I was feeding it. When I saw a doctor again during that time, my inflammation score was through the roof; I finally let go of my ego and decided to eat meat again. It's a really hard decision and I still feel so much guilt, but I also feel like I wasted my teens in pain and sickness that I could've resolved. I just turned 20 and I should've listened to my body at 16.

If you are experiencing symptomps, please seek professional medical help and learn to listen to your body. No diet is worth your sickness. I was so driven by the ethical reasoning behind veganism that I was willing to sacrifice my own health. You can't help others if you aren't helping yourself first.


Same experience. I was almost convinced I had ADHD then I ate meat. Problem solved..


It is okay to become selfish when it comes to our health. We live only once and there won't be next time for us if we ruin our health permanently. We should enjoy our lives while we still can.


I was a vegetarian/vegan for 25 years. In the last years my health was starting to degenerate easily, but sure. It all started with my burning intestines. I had very strong burnings in my intestines. I was waking in the night with so much pain, I thought I had cancer. And honestly now I belive if I wouldn't have stopped, I would have surely died. I had bones pains, like electroshocks, all over my body. I was starting to develope acnee and problems that I never had with my skin. Cystic acnee that was healing very slow and only in the summer. But in the last years not even the Summer would heal it. What else..I have lost most of my beautiful hair, my nails, my boobs remained very small and undeveloped properly (because I started to be a vegetarian when I was 12 years old), my menstrual period was quick and lasted 1-2 days, but with pain. My skin was starting to be very very dry, even with my oily complexion type. What else..the most dangerous thing I belive was the thing that i couldn't articulate words and phrases in a coherent manner. My grandmother had Alzheimer and I was very freak out that I would develop the same thing. You have to listen to your body. He is telling you what is wrong with him. I couldn't remember names and different things. I always needed help from others to communicate what I wanted to say. Jesus, that was scary. I started to develope yellow teeth (always had white bright teeth), pain and cavities (never had), swollen/bleeding gums, poor vision, depression, anxiety, very nervous, agitated, no libido. I am on a keto/carnivore diet since December last year and I never felt better in my entire life. People had suggested to go to a doctor, but most doctors dont reallly know because they do not understand your symptoms. We are the only ones who can really understand what is happening with our bodies. It all started with Jordan Peterson and his diet. I researched and I am glad I did. I feel better than ever. I am 37 years old and I have the energy of a 16 years old girl. Never been better. I eat a lot of fats. I believe fat is the most important thing in our diet. Then proteins and very low carbs if any. Now it's so easy to exercise daily and to do a lot of things people at my age had stopped doing it. All the symptoms had quickly gone! Wish you all the best!


That's just the body's way of telling you: "If I go down I'm taking you with me!", see now your body is all happy, A happy body is a happy you! Congrats on fig. it out!


So proud of you. Went through this all last year. Ended my veganism in December...night and day. No going back.
Best of luck!


Just wanted to say I love you so much and thank you for being so honest and transparent about your journey. I’m going through some of the comments, and I personally know you, and I know you did extensive research, and went to whatever doctor was necessary. I wish more people would be as honest and open as you are. Life is not a linear process where everything goes smoothly at all times, it is a learning process. We are always growing and changing. Thank you for taking me on this journey with you,
I love you very much and I’m here for you always ❤️


But you did it wrong, you didn't eat enough calories or whole foods, you should have saw a vegan doctor, animal products are just a placebo... KIDDING ;), congrats on reclaiming your health!!
