Vocal Coach Reacts to Angelina Jordan - I Have Nothing

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Thanks for you professional reaction. I disagree with those who criticize you. To angelify does not mean to idolize. You analyzed the performance and voiced you concerns in plain language, even was able to demonstrate what your meant by your own voice! I watched this performance many times and I see what you say. I am a fan of AJ and I appreciate her talent and uniqueness, but for this song I would prefer her to sound a little closer to the original singer, sorry. I am tired of sugarcoated reactions, they do nothing good for AJ and you were true to herself. 😇👏


I think your critique is spot on and none of it takes anything away from Angelina's talent. Well done being critical without offending sensitive types.


Loved this reaction❤ thank you so much. You have an amazing voice also.😊. I can read all 600+ comments so this has probably been already said. But she performed this song twice back to back with 62 seconds between only. I know because i was there and recorded the whole event. It was Angelina who asked to record it a 2nd time as she wasnt happy with the 1st take. Not only that she has time to wave to me in between the 2 takes whilst talking to the tv director. She is truly an amazing artist and person. Thanks again for a great reaction 😊


She is making this live performance more of a dramatic event for the audience. all of the changes you hear are her making it more and more her own. She is completely a vision of loveliness on this stage. She often invited to these concerts and Jazz festivals. If you are having a Jazz festival, you are DEFINITELY inviting this person.


Thanks for granting my wish, even if it was backwards in time :-) I now remember watching this video long ago, because you're the one who pointed out that Angelina does this cover three semitones lower. Sorry for not remembering that you had done this cover already. And I love how you get excited and out the little extra things that Angelina adds :-) I also appreciate that you do honestly speak your mind about little parts here and there that are not what you hoped. I hadn't even noticed those little things but that's mainly because she puts me in a trance every time she sings and I just notice the good parts :-) but revisiting the song again helps me see the little oddities. But that's fine because it helps me to appreciate and enjoy watching her growth from year to year. Thanks for helping us see more nuances. And thanks again for reminding me of this reaction so that I could watch it again with you as the reactor. :-)


What you don't understand this is the second time in a row she sang this. The sound recording engineere had a problem with the recording and asked Angelina to sing it again.


I like that she's pushing at her limits. She's still growing and without those challenges she won't become the phenomenon that she wants to be - and will be! Thank you for pointing out those details. She'll probably be the first to agree, but hey, a live performance is a once-only event. It was what it was (as they say) and you move on and do it even better next time. Live concerts really build the artist!


Besides the fatigue, , international travel and weather, she is also only 16 years old here. Her voice is not done maturing and not in her prime. I am so excited to be alive in her time and be able to experience whatever comes next.


Tara you are a great artist too!!! i love your power, your voice is fantastic!! Greatings from Argentina!


You have only checked out a couple of Angelina's songs, so you may not recognize that some of the 'faults' you pointed out are actually some of Angelina's signatures... that "couple beats early" you pointed out.... I think that is just standard jazz back-phrasing (just one of her unique signatures). Angelina doesn't just cover a song, she always re-imagines it in her own special ways. Lowering the key on this one I think was more of an artistic choice than anything else. This key is perfect for her voice. Not because it's 'easier', but because it fits her. If there is one thing Angelina excels at, it is authenticity. I think a lot of singers try too hard to impress, and it comes off unnatural. Angelina sings it how she feels it... and it makes it feel like she is singing "to you", not "at you".
But I suppose if someone looks at what Angelina does using a "sing by numbers" perspective, there might be some things they don't get ;) You just have to remember that Angelina is not just a singer. She is an artist. She is not here to just do things the way they have always been done. She is here to re-write some of the rules.


I don’t get the comparisons by people in the comments here. I’m no hater. But Whitney was known for her punchy, long, and powerful belts, her angelic head voice, and her amazing breath control. Angelina is a great singer, obviously. But to say that she’s better than Whitney, is a bit of a reach. Her singing style is waaay different. She breaks down her phrases and she doesn’t hold her notes as long as Whitney (if you really wanna compare her to Whitney?). This is the type of comparison that’s really unnecessary since both have different singing styles. She only happens to sing the same song! On another note, having that beautiful of a voice at that young of an age, I hope she’s equipped with the right production and marketing team cause she is a great vocalist!


She is only 16 years old and already great. She will continue to grow as a singer .


Very good honest analysis. You just identified everything from a vocal coach perspective. Aw back to the chair studio arrangement 😁👏. Love the multiculoured top, its so beautiful. It's really uplifting. 👌 Love yer gair down too. So many styles you can do with hair 🤔. Excellent Tara 😀👍💪💃💪


Angelina has just released a studio version of this which is totally delightful


Hi Tara! It's good to see you react to Angelina. The thing that amazes me is she is only 16. Whitney was 28. I wonder how Angelina will sound in 12 years. Thanks for the reaction.


Whitney singing will raise the hairs on my arms. It is a voice I have always felt is unmatched. Like a Jon Anderson or a Steve Perry. Just a lovely pitch no matter where they are on the scale.


Considering this is the second time she had to sing the song she did a wonderful job. With only about 1 minute in between and probably jet lag.


I really like and appreciate your analysis of this performance. But I love Angelina's perfect little imperfections when she sings live. A phenomenal performance is made even more amazing by realizing that there is no autotune involved. Just Angelina, singing whatever song she's performance from the very depth of her soul. It is mind-blowing that she's 16, on stage and on television, singing one of the most iconic songs ever sung, and stands there with poise and grace and delivers a strong performance. Strong, but with just enough little bumps and imperfect moments to remind us that she is not really an angel.


What expert analysis! Your virtuoso breakdown is riveting. Quite impressive and with a wonderful singing voice yourself.
I understand this performance was intended to be mixed for official release, but, upon review Angelina was unhappy with it. Perhaps for the same reasons you pointed out. Another version was recorded when she returned to LA which is accompanied by a breathtaking black & white video here on YouTube.


Blows my mind that there are people that can control their voice so well
