Vocal Coach Reacts - ANGELINA JORDAN: Norway's Winner WINS Heidi Klum's Golden Buzzer!

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Well done princess! Wonderful vocal wizardry and all that jazz. No pun.

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#neverstopsinging #rva #angelinajordan

I am Rebecca and I am one heck of a passionate vocal coach/singer/songwriter/impressionist/health/fitness/self- improvement/anything that makes me smile!! I love anything vocal/singing related and geek out on it every day. I want to motivate and inspire others to follow their dreams…corny? Well maybe but it’s true. So what’s motivating me?? I had a huge tumour removed summer 2017 and my ovaries and fallopian tubes. The tumour was the size of a 20 week baby!! However, despite not being able to walk for a couple of weeks, and feeling generally awful…. It has made me create and do what I love! It wasn’t an easy time but I won’t let fear dictate my life. I didn’t think ‘why me’, there are plenty of horrific issues people have to deal with…it’s not always smooth sailing. It’s true when you hear, ‘Life is short’, the crazy thing is, I am glad it happened…I appreciate life even more and practice gratitude everyday…It’s so easy to get caught up with the little things…and I do sometimes, but look at the bigger picture, will it matter in a year or two…?

Also thank you for all your support. It means a lot.

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Have a great day!!

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No offense but I think this little girl is bigger than the show. SHE IS A SUPERSTAR!


She is not trying to be different because she is really unique. It is a gift.


*She’s SO insanely talented that it seems rather silly that she is even in a competition...* 🤷🏻‍♀️


The living members of Queen were so stunned by her that they let her copyright her version. Its available everywhere.


Rebecca, thank you for your genuineness. You brighten my day every single time I watch your reactions.


Angelina Jordan is Amazing She has nothing to prove She's been great since She was 7 year's old


Nobody can critique her because she’s got a voice that nobody else will ever have


She is leaps and bounds ahead of all the singers out there today hands down.
Vintage ....delicate.... respectful... less is more
She is one of a kind


angelina jordan HAS been a legend all along, people are just barely catching on.


Can’t believe you never reacted to Angelina Jordan again. In 2022 she is about to become a mega-star. Suspicious Minds is one of her latest greatest hits… You need to catch-up urgently with her live concerts this year in Norway.


I think Angelina was already a superstar and she accepted the invitation simply to show her voice and stage presence to the record company's and increasing her fan base , and as it turned out, she was a great success. Nice reaction to the song thanks


I was thinking what many of you were also.
Finally we get to see this young gift. However, other then gaining experiences on a live-stage American audience. She is clearly above 99% of all other singers. This young lady could sing a-cappella doing the street names in my area. It would simply be amazing. I hope she plays with different genres of music. What a voice.


She's only 14. Old soul. Queen liked it, they tweeted about it. Have a nice Monday everyone. Rebecca I knew you will review this😁❤


Rebecca, thank you for your very insightful reaction to Angelina Jordan. It is very obvious that you are a true professional who knows the techniques and artistry of vocal music. Being an old-school jazz musician, I hold Ella Fitzgerald as the gold standard for embellishments, riffs, runs, whatever you want to call them.  She would not only emulate the improvisation of the great instrumentalists of her day, she created her own style that set her apart from everyone else.  She always stayed within the changes of the music and never did too much or too little, just the right amount. So many of today's singers do "vocal gymnastics" without really understanding the musicality that is required to be artistic.  Through training and sheer innate ability, Angelina "gets it" and we, her audience, are immensely fortunate to listen to her artistry! I like to think of her as the Barbra Streisand of the 21st century.  Not because their voices are alike, but because Angelina will be as much or more of a superstar as Barbra was in her prime.


I bawl every time I hear this. Her rendition speaks to the core of my soul. 😭


Shes called «the Angels with a thousand voices» for a reason


She enchants you with her soulful renditions and once you are wrapped in, her embrace you like a warm blanket in a cold winter's night, its impossible to leave!

Angelina Jordan would be my interpretation of a genius!


You paused it and missed the best transition in the entire performance.. always., Always backtrack a few seconds before hitting play.


She does her own arrangements. This is actually the first time I have ever heard her do riffs like this at all. This was a great performance but it is only the last one of very long line of spectacular performances. I made the mistake of saying that she had a limited range and compared her to Billie Holiday in that way. What I meant is she is not a 'belter'. She isn't going to sing like Morissette, or Ariana Grande. She is going to conquer your heart by taking you into the song with her. You are going to feel her performances in a way that very few singers of any age can manage to do, and she is still learning what her voice can do. Angelina is one of 2-3 singers I could listen to constantly and never lose interest in.


You are nice thank you. I enjoyed your review. I'm head overheels in love with the girl's voice. Sincere respect to her. I'm an old man of 70 and she makes me cry and that takes a lot. Research I've done she seems to be a wonderful young lady. I hope she stays that way. I believe wecould be witnessing something very special.
