Does THIS ingredient cause ADHD and AUTISM?

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One of my kids attended a private school for kids with learning disabilities, not behavior or neglect problems... this was in 1997-'99. The school had a very strict policy that no foods, snacks or drinks could contain specific yellow blue and red dyes. They showed me a scientific paper on the neurological affects on children as the dyes were deemed a neurotoxin. Forbidden foods/ snacks: fruit roll ups, oreo cookies, Doritos, Cheetos, Gold fish, animal cookies (pink and white), colas, Dr Pepper, Mt Dew, Hawaiian punch, Sunny delight and any fruit drink with the food coloring.
That's just the quick list I recall from 25 years ago


Too many pokes at once. That's what I noticed.💉💉💉💉


In 1989 I put my child on a very strict version of the feingold diet. I cooked everything from scratch and got my son’s pediatrician to write a note to the school instructing them not to give him candy (they didn’t listen). My son was never aggressive and just struggled with being bored and paying attention. Finally he struck up a deal with me where I allowed him some treats and he would behave. He kept his word but the school still wanted him on drugs so I asked my pediatrician, who told me there is no test for adhd or any of the other ones whose letters I can’t remember. He said if the meds work then he has the condition, if not he doesn’t. We tried a medication that weekend and my son acted like someone on speed and couldn’t sleep or talk. It was extremely frightening. We ended up homeschooling and it was the best decision we ever made and he is now a successful parent of 4 children with a great career. He is very well read and discerning with relationship with Jesus. The foods out there are poison and the medical and educational systems are broken. We have to take control of our own health and that of our families. We are our best advocates.


My daughter was not ADHD. But, she would have times when she couldn't control her own behavior and would be bouncing off the walls. I did an elimination diet with her and red dye was what was triggering her. At 5 years old, she had no problem saying no to things with red dye because she hated how she felt when she had it.


In the 1970s, my mom was told by our brilliant pediatrician not to allow my brother anything with red food coloring. He was agitated and angry and lacked self-control. He often took that out on his younger sister … me! He is doing better now. Thank you, Dr. Dhand.


My 2.5 year old granddaughter and her mother (my daughter) live with me. I eat as clean as is possible. I bought a box of organic ice pops for the child and has never consumed anything with artificial coloring. Her mother gave her a cheap popsicle thst was colored with red dye. The kid was about 3/4's of the way finished when she started acting literally crazy!! She was climbing on the furniture and jumping off, hollering and plain being out of character. It was the artificial crap in the popsicle. Never again on my watch, anyway!


I worked in public schools for 30 years and was appalled by the food and drinks provided to children. Large food corporations now run the school lunch programs and they feed children a large percentage of processed foods high in sugar, salt and fat. They do have nonorganic fruits and vegetables available, but they likely contain harmful pesticides. Most children prefer the processed foods. Many children brought large bags of hot Cheetos and consumed them throughout the day. Many students bought large bottles of Gatorade from vending machines loaded with artificial fluorescent dye and consumed a couple of them daily. When I was a child attending public school back in the 60s, we had cooks that prepared fresh homemade food on a daily basis. It is sad that these food corporations have so much power and control now because they are destroying human health. We have entire programs and classrooms devoted to assisting children with severe behavioral problems today. These problems were very rare when I was a child. These food corporations should be held accountable for the damage they are doing.


I've been following these issues since the the 1960s. There were plenty of dyes, artificial flavours/sweeteners (and lots of plain sugar), emulsifiers, preservatives, pesticides, etc, etc in food then and there was a reaction against it but not by most people. Food fads and shamelessly artificial and engineered foods were all over the place. In fact, there were plenty of additives in food going back to decades before that. And the regulation of those additives was arguable even worse than now. There were also plenty of seed oils that sat on a shelf for months and would now be considered unhealthy. And there were plenty of vaccines of questionable utility.
What has changed is the number of vaccines that children get, the number of meals not prepared at home and the use of GMO and hybrid crops. What one sees in health issues are much more obesity, child autism and people with strange allergies and autoimmune problems. Maybe the new problems are due to the changes.


Mercury and Aluminum are minimal in most foods ....My Family and Friends have all got there ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism ETC. the Old Fashioned way have ALL got our Heavy Metals from Over 3 Dozen injections As children From the 1980's On !


oh my I had no idea. I just checked my calcium supplement, and it had all the dyes. Why would there be dyes in a swallowable tablet!?


The FDA is a wholly owned subsidiary of PHARMA and "food" manufacturers.


I knew this 20 years ago when my kids were little. No one believed me back then. Here we are.


My son was diagnosed in 2003. Autism was 1 in 250, now it is 1 in 44. Red dye and orange dye along with wheat and casein-free. Helped immensely. Today now at 25 he can tell you that there are certain pizzas that he cannot eat because of the yeast in the wheat and it makes the skin crawl and makes him extremely nervous and agitated. Kirkman Laboratories was a lifesaver for our family. Along with intensive therapy my son is now in school and working on his bachelor's degree. This is not the case with all children but we were very blessed to have this worked out. We are still having problems. With frustration and anxiety over testing. I don't care what anyone tells me I know that his behavior changed after he got his series of childhood vaccines. We stopped administering the vaccines which helped.


After several years of eliminating things we have learned he cannot have:
Food dyes
Corn/corn derivatives
What do they cause? Anger. Out of control screaming, violent anger.
It took his toddler cousin having skin reactions to corn for us to start researching corn and ALL of it's FDA food additive forms.
At this point we only eat things we make ourselves


When I moved to the US I was shocked with the amount of unnatural food in grocery stores. I remember myself going through long lines of shelves with snacks unable to detect anything that looked edible to me. Kid's cereal of the insane colors that indicate poison in nature? Cookies with icing as thick as the cookie itself? etc. I also have never seen so many children with sensory issues, autism and food allergies. I know for sure it is something in the US environment. Either food or jabs or something else local. It is not a worldwide problem! It's in the US. But it is not what local people are born with. Immigrant's children who came young or were born here get same diseases often. That's my observation of the last 8 years.


Best advice I've heard, " if it comes with a label don't consume it"


Had to go back to 1:23, "Most" children are not affected? That makes me think the sensitive ones are like a canary in a


I believe that its true. Look at all the cereal that is out on the market. What about bioengineer foods or genetically modified foods? Scary stuff.


Suneel, what this all boils down to is how much of a burden certain toxins are on the immune system and how ready the body is to fight these toxins. The goal is to keep the body as far from the cytokine storm as possible. Keeping the body ready to fight starts with nutrients in the body. THIS is why vitamins/nutrients are important. They keep all systems in our bodies running correctly, including the innate immune system. Of course some toxins should definitely be avoided altogether.

But let's say that a newborn, from day 1, is wrapped in toxic clothing, brought into a house with toxic scented plug-ins filling the air, given baby formula, and exposed to other daily toxins. That already is a burden on the immune system of the newborn. The newborn may be so overwhelmed that he or she will not do well if exposed to a virus. And then months go by and it's time for a round of multiple vaccinations. This is going to create an acute immune response. This immune response may be enough to overwhelm the immune system causing over-inflammation and may possibly even cause a cytokine storm and neurotoxicity. The toxic adjuvants have a sole purpose of being toxic in order to trigger an immune response, since the dead virus cells are not enough alone to trigger an immune response.

Keep your nutrient levels optimal, providing a robust innate immune system, lower your toxin exposure as much as possible, from foods, pharmaceuticals, environment, etc., and your health will thrive.
