10 Unhealthy Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

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List of the top 10 unhealthy foods you probably eat every day. You’re probably eating some of the most unhealthy foods. We even have an outdated version of the food pyramid taught in school.

Even the healthiest people among us eat unhealthy food sometimes. How many of these foods do we eat every day without ever knowing how unhealthy they are? Here are 10 unhealthy foods you probably eat every day.

0:00 Unhealthy Foods You Probably Eat Every Day
0:21 Margarine
1:35 Breakfast Cereal
2:58 Tubs of Frosting
4:13 Fruit Juice
5:12 Bacon
6:33 Pancake Syrup
7:46 Potato Chips
9:12 Soda
10:45 Canned Vegetables
12:02 Coffee Creamer

- Margarine was marketed as a new healthier replacement to butter.
- There are all kinds of sugar in breakfast cereal.
- There’s something called propylene glycol that’s found in quite a few of the commercially available frostings.
- Because BPA has been linked to these health issues, many companies have therefore started using safer canning alternatives.
- You’re drinking pure sugar when downing a glass of your favorite juice—a ton of added sugars.
- Some say to cook your bacon low and slow to avoid this risk. With all that fat, it’s probably only safe to eat bacon once every leap year anyway.
- Pancake syrups are nothing more than liquid sugar, and that’s why they are so bad for you.
- You should be aware that those chips are full of salt and calories.
- You know you’re in for trouble when the creamer you pour into your coffee has a list of ingredients that’s longer than your arm.
- The artificial sweetener used in your favorite diet soda might be worse than sugar, and it might cause all kinds of health problems.

All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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When you use Honey, be sure it's real because a lot of companies put a lot of corn syrup in it too.


Yes I've definitely eaten an entire can of Pringles in one sitting and no I definitely didn't regret it LOL


Margarine is one molecule away from being plastic.


I’d like to say, unless you are someone that drinks that coffee creamer out of the bottle I think you should be okay adding a couple tablespoons of it to your coffee in the morning. If not, then you can always add a little half & half, or milk to your coffee along with a little bit of those flavored syrups you find at the store. The nice thing is the syrups last a really long time and they come in tons of flavors.
I’ve even made my own coffee syrups by boiling equal parts of water and sugar in a sauce pan until the sugar completely dissolves. This is what’s called a simple syrup. To this you can add vanilla or any other natural flavoring, or extract. If you want a natural orange or lemon flavored syrup you can add the peel of these to your syrup while is boiling to extract the natural oils. Cinnamon sticks can also be added for cinnamon syrup. I hope this helps. 😁👍


Everything's unhealthy for you" Food, cigarettes, religion


This is mostly for Americans. While us Asians sit back while eating Rice and Mineral Water.


I eat donuts 3 days a week and there pretty unhealthy


1:32 - *Tempted to say " worship me "*


Margarine = gross. Breakfast cereal = haven't had any in years. Frosting? I'll only make it myself if needed. Drinking too much (orange) juice in one day makes me profusely sweat at night. I'll wake up completely soaked and won't touch it anymore. Bacon? I'm really picky about brands and it's hard to find good bacon in Taiwan. My good buddy Tim makes his own and I'm totally going to find out how he does it. Soda? Dr. Pepper is sometimes available at Costco in Taiwan but I prefer Mr.Pibb. I go nuts on canned goods, honestly. I love COPPOLA-brand Butter Beans. From Italy. Pop open the can a little and drain the liquid and then just eat them with a spoon or add them to whatever you want. I don't like coffee. Ok, BabbleTop, I loved this video as always, but I want to ask you a serious question: Your videos have titles at the bottom that coincide with the current segment of the video. Like "Fruit Juice", for example. How do you do that? I want to do that for my videos, too. Please get your editing staff to help me get some ideas how to do this. Keep up the great videos


So, basically don't eat unless it's plain ass veg & fruit.


In Canada, regular (non-diet) pop is made with sugar by law, no high fructose corn syrup allowed. Still, I avoid it and juice as much as possible. Water is my main choice. Fresh or frozen veggies are always better than canned. Most of the nutrients are lost in the water. And steaming or roasting is better than boiling for the same reason. Nothing beats potatoes, carrots and cauliflour chopped and lightly covered in olive oil and herbs then roasted in the oven. The flavour is amazing! BTW, your video is spot on. Especially the canned frosting.


Enough with the movie clips every 20 seconds


Pardon to change the subject. But there's palm oil in some bars of soap. Do you remember that palm oil was one of the main ingredients in a bar of Palmolive Soap?


Its weird i hate cereal my mom just make avocado toast.


Thanks for letting me know about this stuff


I don't know how healthier or bad what I use because I use the powdered coffee creamer


2:59 The thing is Vanilla frosting is so easy to make. And it doesn't take very long either.

God bless everyone.


I'm pretty sure we knew cereal like trix receses puff fruit loop all had sugar and those cereals had lot of color and told you there not healthy while the stuff that plain is obviously healthy


It’s a kind of sad but informative video 😞


Tbh I didn’t even know that fruit juice was unhealthy 😂
