MASSIVE 10ft Tuna... We Broke a Record! (Commercial Bluefin Tuna Fishing)

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We took a trip up to Boston, Massachusettes to fish for Giant Bluefin Tuna with Capt Scott Campbell of Boston Fishing Frenzy Charters. We were commercial fishing for Bluefin Tuna which means we can only keep fish over 73in long. We ended up catching a boat record setting fish weighing over 800lbs and nearly 10ft long! This fish went to a local fish market and will be sold. We walk you through the entire process of how giant bluefin tuna are caught and sold commercially in the U.S. Despite what you may see on TV, Bluefin Tuna don't sell for tens of thousand of dollars advertised. the media has sensationalized this fish and even claimed they can sell up to a $1,000,000 which is simply not true. The fish we caught will most likely sell between $3-$10lb with a 651lb core ranging from $1,800-$7,000 total. This fish was a new boat record! Scott had caught a 107in fish a few weeks prior and this one came in at 115in.

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This was the trip of a lifetime!! Thank you to Capt scott and Taggart for putting us on this giant fish!
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What's truly amazing to me is the strength of fishing line. For such a thin tether to capture an animal that size is just astounding.


Great catch..!!!! In 2012 we caught 7 Bluefin. We sold one 400 lbs for $10, 000 dollars to a Miami restaurant owner. We kept 2, 500 pounds in 3 freezers for years to eat….!


Ken Fraser in 1978 caught 1496 pds. still the best record . never being broke, Great video Vicktor, keep up up the good work!


As a commercial fisherman in Alaska i once again see fishermen screwed over by the market and the buyers. Amazing fish none the less! Nice job and thanks for sharing.


WHAT !!?? I am 65 years old and fished offshore my whole life in South Carolina, and have fished the Bahamas, and the S Pacific from Tahiti to Tonga to Fiji and to kill a fish that majestic for $3 a pound is a criminal act. I have witnessed the degradation of so many fisheries first hand in my lifetime and that shit is out of control. Get your money chartering and release those beautiful monsters to breed for the health of the Bluefin population. This is inexcusable. Sorry but that is the TRUTH....


Those "Wicked Tuna" prices aren't BS. I went fishing up in PEI in "19 and we got a #975 and they got $21 a lb. for that fish. What happened to the prices? Killing a fish like that for under $10 lb is not worth the fish's life. Shame.


This beats any movie I've ever seen, I was spellbound.
I watched it on a large screen. During the fight I was yelling at the screen "Oh Hell Yeah! Get Him!!" My Wife thinks I'm nuts.
I'm a fellow fisherman. My friend, you hit it out of the park on this one. By far the best video I've ever seen.


The amount of power that fish had is unbelievable. Good catch


I thought the thumbnail was photoshopped clickbait and I was going to unsubscribe as soon as I saw the fish, but um, yeah, it's not. You captured Jaws.


Unreal catch of a lifetime, man!

So happy for you to bag that humongous bluefin tuna!

Shout-out to the captain and crew, as well as the excellent video and drone shots from your camera crew.

I've also been fortunate to also bag my catch of a lifetime, 91.96 lb., 9'4.75" pacific sailfish, that I caught 25 years, 3 months and 25 days ago while fishing off a sea mount in nasty weather (typhoon signal # 1 was in effect) with rough waves in 3-5 feet range.

Lady Luck was smiling at me that day as I was only able to catch that one fish and that we were able to return to shore in one piece.

Memories like these will always be etched on our minds as clear as day.

Congrats again, and keep those videos rolling!


your videographer is an absolute boss! great broll


Why does the phrase, "We're going to need a bigger boat" come to mind! hehe. AMAZING!


My right shoulder hurts from watching all that cranking Still a BLAST ! Hope you get a good price Tight Lines !


Brilliant boys! Great job of capturing the moment and sharing it with us, best I've seen, what a crew of pro's, both boat & film thx!!!


Back in 1973 I was invited on a commercial boat we most likely fished in the same deep canyons as you, the Captain used rope in a basket not rods I thought it was a joke at first maybe being teased. So I baited with dead Mackerel I think the weight was 30 oz of lead with a plastic bottle tied about 20 ft from the bait maybe more. I had just let a new bait over then tied a 20 lb mono line to the and attached to a rail this served as a quick snap to wake you up and that a fish was on, after several hours we harpooned this giant and after getting in the boat I measured it as about 10 ft.

WE took it to most likely the same fish market the weight was 896 lbs then t they cut off the head and tail the weight was 700 lbs even after the block and tackle weight of 5 lbs. They quickly iced the meat packed in a crate and it was on it's way to Logan airport and shipped to Japan, the price was $ 2.35 a lb $ 1, 645 total price I thought the price today would be much higher. The day we went out there was like 70 boats fishing including the religious group the " Moonies ".

Thanks for such a great video, at 83 it brought back such memories.


You Just fulfilled my dream fishing trip! I have dreamed of catching and bringing home a Giant Bluefin Tuna, ever since I was a kid! You YouTubers are incredibly lucky to be able to do the things you do. I will never be able to realize this dream, but at least I got to see someone else realize this kind of experience, I can be content to live vicariously through your channel!


Awesome fish Vik! Now you have to beat a 651 lb. core weight for a new PB. Fantastic video! Dennis did a phenomenal job ( as usual ). You guys make a heck of a team.
Well done sir! Stay safe out there brother.


Three dollars a pound for a magnificent fish like that is just not right! Someone, somewhere down the line is making a killing and it sure ain't the fisherman. I don't get why you would even harvest a fish like that for that paltry amount of money. I sure hope these guys ended up near the ten dollar a pound price. I wonder what Adam from Moving Weight would think of these prices.


Land Shark... I am SO envious of you. Living the BEST LIFE for SURE! Yes... Great Camerawork.
