3 Simple Tips To Punish ANY Early Attacks Of Your Opponent

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n this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov teaches you how to counter the early attacks that your opponents often use to win games quickly with cheap tricks, especially the most annoying early queen attack or Scholar's Mate threat.

It is astonishing to know that over 70 million games have been played where players attempts the Scholar's Mate threat or a similar early attack—far more than you might expect from such a basic trick.

You will learn 3 simple yet highly effective strategies to brutally punish these early attacks. These strategies are easy to grasp and will enable you to outplay your opponents with confidence.

Watch the full lesson to arm yourself with these powerful techniques and ensure you never fall victim to these cheap tricks again!

► Chapters

00:00 3 Rules to PUNISH Early Attacks in Chess
00:11 Early Queen Attacks
00:43 Rule-1
02:12 Rule-2
03:44 Rule-3
05:52 Using ALL 3 Rules Together!
09:32 Activity overpowers material advantage
10:11 Puzzle of the day

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#IgorNation #ChessTricks #ChessTraps #QueenTrap #ScholarsMate #Checkmate
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Your humor never fails to disappoint. Equating Scholar's Mate attempts with ppl who listen to Tik Tok videos in public with the volume turned up. ROFL!


Thank you, Igor, for another wonderful lesson. Although the moves won't match in real-life games, but the ideas will definitely help.

The solution of the puzzle around 10.20, is queen takes d5 knight (Qxd5), sacrificing the queen to deliver Bb6# checkmate.


hi Igor can you please make a video on the Catalan from beginning to advance traps


Thank you very much for such interesting material, I will follow new posts.


Just watched your video, then played a game. My opponent played early queen move. It was brutal. I am a 1200 elo I played like 1750. Thank you


Thank you man, you have the most useful chess contend on youtube. The puzzle - Qxd5, Qxd5, Bb6# check-mate.


Bb6+, forcing the following sequence: ... Nxb6, Qxb6+, Qc7, Qe3, (threatening Qe7#), Qe5, Qxe5, after which mate in two with via Qd6 and Qb6# is unstoppable.


0:35 - LOL what do you mean by this Igor?


Hello thanks 4 ur wanderful contents, can u show a tricky role model to start against English opening?


assuming one qc7 - because qxd5 by black queen results in checkmate ; so black queen should go to c7 or c6 guarding against Bb6 checkmate
if qc7 -white queen will go g5 & check - f6 only option inturn qxg7 chasing the rook or advantage then capture f6 - if re7, qf8 if re8 -Bg5 done
if qc6 - qd5 xqc6 ; have to d7 x c6; bb6 +, kd7 - Rd1 done


Puzzle answer: 1.Qxd5 Qc7 2.Qg5+ f6 3.Qxg7 Re8 4.Qxf6+ Re7 5.Rh8+ Re8 6.Bg5+ mate


At 1:40, you say Black would like to play 4...d5 to open the center; however, it drops a pawn and so is not really playable. Actually, the move seems fine. If White responds 5. exd5, Black has 5...e4, immediately regaining the pawn. And if White responds 5. Bxd5, Black can play 5...Nxd5 6. exd5 Nxe7 7. c4 c6, and now (a) 8. Nc3 cxd5 9. cxd5 Ng3 should favor Black - he has the two bishops, and White's horribly weak pawn on d5 should fall in due time; (b) 8. dxc6 Nxc6 also should favor Black, thanks to Black's two bishops and superior pawn structure. The 8. dxc6 variation reminds me of the Scandinavian line that goes 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6, when 3. c4? c6 4. dxc6 Nxc6 is considered good for Black.


1.Bb6! Nxb6 2. Qxb6+
Correct: 1. Qxd5 Qxd5 2. Bb6#


I was 800 rated watched yours and chess vibes videos also followed the rules you told and now im 1700 rapid in just 3 month's


My notation is terrible but here goes. bB6 nXb6 qXb6# (So Bishop to b6. Knight is forced to capture the bishop. Queen takes the knight for checkmate) Am I right?


puzzle is Qxd5 (trying to trade queens) if opponent queen moves elsewhere aside from Qc7 its a mate by bb6



If QxQ, then Bb6#

Q will likely go to C7, seeing this, then you QG5+, f6, QxG7 - and should be a somewhat straight forward barrage ahead until white gets mate


I love the Russian attack/counterattack style it's certainly more interesting than Carlson's intricacies of endgame pawn pushing


I read this as:
Qxd5 Qxd5 #
If Black's not greedy, then
Qxd5 Qc7 . This prevents Bb6#. The material is equal, but Black needs Rb8 before his b pawn can advance and let his Bishop out.
Qb6 would be funny. If Black takes, Bb6#, if White takes, Kxc7, which could keep White busy for a while.

Have I missed something?


Puzzle - I am new to chess but I don't see a way for mate and it is bugging the hell outta me!! If Qxd5, black queen must block at c7, then if Qxf7, black queen can come back out to d6 to block bishop checks at b6 and g5. I mean black loses a lot of material but it's not mate
