Computer Basics 21: Chrome JavaScript Console and how Logging works

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We discuss what (and where) the console is, why it's useful, and show a little of how it works.
The console: what it is, where you can find it, and what you use it for.
The console is very commonly used to display system adminstrative messages.
Your browser and your computer both have their own consoles.
Once you become famlliar with it, you will find it to be a very useful and powerful tool.
In Javascript, the console is used as a great tool for debugging and finding out where in your code there's a problem.
The process of doing this can be put anywhere in the lines of code to help find, identify, and ultimately fix specific issues.
This will also work with numbers and booleans, which are true/false statements.
When consoling words, it's important to put it inside of quotations so it recognizes it's a string.
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I appreciate this video thanks so much


Watching all these FCC vids back to back, I get the distinct impression you like cheese


I'm studying the JavaScript console today!

Just a quick warning, when I'm on web pages (like Google, YouTube, or Facebook), I don't want to accidentally delete codes on the "Elements" tab. Can you do that, or will the computer not allow you too?


hey can the words in console.log work with double quotation marks( " ) or only with single quotation only ?


I wish the video would explain exactly how console.log can help debug in javascript. I can't seem to grasp exactly how that is done.


Do you literally not explain how to access the console in this video?
