AITA for exposing my mom's lifelong grudge against me? #aita #reddit

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Be very thankful for a father that loved you and didn't choose her.


My son was born the same day Kingdom Hearts 3 was released. You know what my husband and I did about it....played it on a different day.


There are things in life we can't control, including how a baby turns out. A parent's job is to love their child unconditionally regardless.

She failed that badly. I'm sure parents are not perfect and have their own preferences, biases even, and peeves. But she didn't even try....


The mother is the AH. Who hates a baby for being born on the wrong day? Even if it would've disrupted something important instead of just leading to "Oh no. I have to start the book on a different day." the baby wouldn't be at fault and no sane mother would hate it for that.


Mom has deep seated issues and you were the scapegoat to take her aggression out on. Not a good person.


Imagine being so mad at a baby. It’s not like it planned the date, it doesn’t just say one day "Oh, now would be a good time to screw over my mother." Also, just read the book later. All this hatred just stemmed from not being able to a read a book on a certain date, that’s so stupid.


Why even have kids if you're just gonna treat them like shit?


Absolutely not. You didn't get a choice of when or even IF to be born. And mum has apparently made no effort to put her selfishness behind her, and try to treat you fairly. None of it is your fault, and there was nothing you could have done. Now the truth is out.


lol I had plans to when I had my second daughter, I was going out for tea for my birthday instead I ended up in hospital having my beautiful girl 🩷🩷🩷 your mum is definitely the TA 🤬🤬


Im not even ready to have kids, maybe in a few years cuz im too young but when I think about it my only worry is „what if it’s a miscarriage? What if the baby has serious health problems?“ that’s the only thing I worry about. I love my bf and I can’t imagine treating his and my future babies like that. She’s an awful mother I hope her son cute her off. His siblings should talk to her.


She is/was a monster. SHE should’ve been in therapy since you were born. I would not be around her. Zero. I hope you have an amazing therapist. I hope you’re involved in Reiki. This is 100% her fault. And it really screws up all in the family. I’m sure all of your siblings can see it. Do they call her out on it? Find a surrogate mother. You deserve none of this.


She got mad over a book? A BOOK?! Look, I love books, but its not a movie or tv show episode. People aren't going to be talking spoilers on the internet the next day. That's the best thing about books. You can read them at any time at your own pace. Getting mad at a BABY? No, that is the dumbest reason I have ever heard and I have heard a LOT of dumb reasons. OP should have exposed her to everyone sooner. Gods, WTF, getting mad at a BABY for BEING BORN. Sounds to me like she didn't actually want OP and found the smallest excuse to treat him like shit his whole life


A grudge because you were born on the day a book releases? That's so nerdy of the mom.


Not fully related, but this really brings up how I wish postpartum studies would include how it may happen with multiples, outside of if its happened before it's more likely to happen again theres nothing. I'm a writer and I've been trying to figure out if postpartum can effect the oldest child but not happen with the youngest for awhile because I do try to be accurate
