Swiss Neutrality and Sanctions Explained (By a Swiss Guy)

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On 28th February Switzerland fully adopted the EU-Sanctions against Russia. And the world cheered. But what's the fuzz all about? We try to explain. #switzerland #neutrality #sanctions #russia #ukraine
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as a swiss citizen i m against sactions on Russia, there were and are other issues where needing sanctions


Being FULLY neutral means having almost zero obligations to other nations and being mostly independent.
With switzerlands living standards and population density today, it's completely unthinkable to not be dependent on resources of other nations, we couldn't even produce enough food for our population. Ergo, the second one (or most, as it's the case now) of our crucial trade partners take a side, we no longer have the choice of full neutrality without taking the freedom of our people.

This is not a "uuUhUh Switzerland gave away it's Neutrality", but simply a fact. I am personally fine with switzerlands neutrality being defind as "Never directly be, or fund a combatant in war".
The more connected this world get's the harder it will be to maintain neutrality, and i only hope that, in the far future, it will never get to a point where swiss citicens are forced to fight a war that isn't theirs.

Also, i hope you are successful with your switch to english, certainly a bigger audience to be found there, or is that only a one-off-thing to inform outsiders of switzerlands position in the war?


I’m very impressed by the quality of your video bravo !!


Sau guet gmacht wie immer. Wundert mi das da ned me glofe isch huere siech.


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I`m swiss to and all the taking about our neutrality makes no sence for me. We sanctioned also countrys like Syria years before.


Taking sanctions doesn't mean losing the neutrality. In fact, not doing anything in this conflict would be the same as directly taking Russian's side as it would almost nullify most of the international economical sanctions taken against Russia. I don't think there was a middle ground in this case.

Our neutrality being guarantied by international laws, defending those laws is in a sense the same as actively defending the concept of neutrality. As long as Switzerland doesn't send military stuff or troops over Ukraine then in regards to laws the neutrality is respected. What did surprise me is that some other neutral countries like Sweden decided to send military stuff to Ukraine, thus breaking their neutrality.


Tipp: Probiered die vorhandene doks mol ins englische z'übersetze git vilichd a biz a breiteres Publikum.
Schwizzerdütsche content isch top aber vilichd nid die bescht option zum de Kanal z'pushe.
Video bearbeitig isch top nur z'publikum fehlt 😥


ihr heit wük bombastischi videos u machet gueti recherche!


anyone with eyes can tell Switzerland already lost neutrality,we would describe what you are doing now we call it“deaf yourself to steal a bell ”


The Peace Meditation Die Friedensmeditation. Old Lyran written as: Salome gam nan ben Urda - gan njber asala Hesporona! pronounced as: Saalome gam naan ben uurda gan njjber asaala hesporoona! English: Peace be on the Earth, and among all created creations! Deutsch: Friede sei auf der Erde, und unter allen Geschöpfen! French: Que la paix soit sur terre et entre toutes les créatures ! Romanian: Pacea să fie pe pământ, și printre toate creaturile! Italian: La pace sia sulla terra, fra tutte le creature! Spanish: ¡Paz sea sobre la tierra, y entre todas las criaturas! Ukranian: Мир буде на землі, і між усіма створіннями! Russian: Мир на земле и среди всех существ! Hindi: (दुनिया में) सारी (दुनिया में) सारी (दुनिया में) सलामती है


as a swiss man i think we didn't break neutrality. we have the geneva convention here and many humanitarian organisations here. we care about doing the right thing. I cant talk for everyone but me and a lot of my friends feel more like we're sanctioning them not in a "west vs east" perspective but rather a "many treaties have been broken, war crimes have been comitted" etc. which a lot have been confirmed. We fight against the bad people here and im sure if the west would commit war crimes we'd fight against it. i know me and my friends would fight against it. we dont care who it is, we are against the bad, a lot of us (again, i can only talk for me and the people around me) we feel a responsibility of peace keeping and trying to act against the bad.
