How To Run Fast At A Low Heart Rate (Olympic Marathon Coach Explains)

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Today, sports scientist and Olympic marathon coach Lindsey Parry shows you how to run faster at a lower heart rate.
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Well I’m a master of running slow with extremely high heart rate


I'm really good at sitting at my desk in zone 2. When grabbing a beer from the fridge I hit zone 3, so I do interval training for that (2 beer runs an hour), which maintains my fitness


That was the simplest, yet most effective, way of describing threshold heart rate and deriving zone 2 from it. Thank you!


Walk breaks aren't just a crutch, they're key to effective and enjoyable Z2 runs. Z2 is slow enough for most people that they will have to compromise their running form to go slow enough to maintain a low enough HR, if they don't take any breaks. With walk breaks, you can enjoy running with a natural and comfortable form, taking a break either whenever you feel a hint of getting out of breath, or according to a schedule. There's no need to leave the walk breaks behind as you get faster either. I've run a sub-3 h marathon with walk breaks and I don't think I could have done it without them.


There is no secret. You earn it through consistent training.


Riding a bicycle with low gearing availability (eg 50/34 or lower crankset and wide range cassette) for low zone training is a good way to stay at a low heartrate, stay cool in hot weather because of wind chill, and reduce knee injury with development of supportive muscle around the joint.


I have been running for 10 years, races and all. However ive never did Zone 2 training. But started 2 weeks ago for the heck of it. I always end my run with some natural effort to speed up a bit, like the final mile in a 7 mile run. And it is insanely beneficial at least for me, i feel lighter on my feet. And something i noticed, is im not mentally burdened or bothered to start a run in say early morning.cuz i know im not going hard at it or Starting with a fartlek or HIIT. I know i could Run fast, zone two didn’t slow me down, it is giving me more assurance and confidence i love it. Oh im in my mid 40’s .


Great insights on running faster at a lower heart rate, Coach Parry! These tips are really helpful for maintaining efficiency and improving endurance. Thanks for sharing!


i only have seen improvements once i have started speed work, vo2max runs. i was running marathons with 6min/ km pace and i could maybe run 5:45half marathon and 5:30 10km. thats it. my fitness was good but my muscles were weak. now i run i a lot of intervals and other vo2max and my pace dramatically increased over a period of 1year. i now only do like 30percent easy runs and 70percent hard runs and recently i have achieved sub 20 5k and can easily run 4:40 half marathon.


This is probably the best and most succinct summary of the core running principles Ive ever seen. Thanks!


Overemphasis of zone 2 or easy runs is one of the ruts people can get stuck into when watching these youtube videos. Zone 2 is good for injury prevention, keeping up the muscle load, getting a slight aerobic stimuli and improving muscle endurance for longer runs. In terms of speed, having a lower heart rate at a certain pace will mostly be achieved by implementing speedy sessions. Take 2 people training for 3 months, the first one does lactate threshold runs for all of the period and the person doesn't get injured, the second person purely does zone 2, the most progression in these 3 months will be achieved by the one doing threshold runs. Even if the training time is significantly less for threshold that still holds. Zone 2 has its place but dont rely too much on it making that your every run, at least if you're keen to improve.


Glad to see someone mention perceived exertion. People tend to act like I'm crazy for not tracking my heart rate as if you can't be in tune with your own body. It took a long time, but I know pretty precisely how hard I can push for how long by feel. Getting into the weeds with metrics can be helpful, but also distracting


I have been jogging slowly and consistently for the past 3 years. There is no noticeable differences in my heart rate when i jog at the same slow consistent rate. The only difference is my HR at rest which is often below 60 and sometimes below 50.


Excellent info, thank you!
One suggestion though which has nothing to do with running... lay off using the whoosh sound effects on the cuts and info text ;)
Thanks again, just prepping for my first marathon at 39 years old... Subscribed! :)


It depends on the scenario and the long term goals. The person sticking to zone 2 can likely scale their running volume block to block more effectively. Maybe in a single training season that seems small. Over 3-5 you can build some insane efficiency, if the training plans have consistent progression. You should still sprinkle in some z5 work to get optimal


Ran 10km race today, 38:11. 180bpm. 135bpm HR For easy runs, I’d be walking.


this completely true, I've been running in zone 2 for 2 months and theres a noticeable change in my HR. I used to need to stop every 1-2 mins for my hr to go back down under 150 during my runs. Now, I can run 10km at a steady hr of 142-145 without stopping.


I've been running in Zone 2 HR for about six months, the main achievement I've made is overcoming frustration. The effort for fast pace is the same, the HR goes up. I guess a comprehensive personal program developed by a professional is what is needed.


Start gradually and make your core region as strong n flexible as you can and took rest after every 3 days of training to rebuild your muscles …

With legs your core and neck must be strong and flexible enough for long runs…
Everything is basics until you r going to compete in Olympics .. there ofcourse you need dedicated coach otherwise follow above steps you can do marathon easily within 6 months


You said that a rapid pulse in the morning is a sign that there is an under-recovery. I would like to add that an unusually low pulse in the morning is also a sign of under-recovery. That is, any sharp deviation from the usual values of the pulse is a sign of under-recovery of the body.
