Things Only Adults Notice In Mulan

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When you’re an adult revisiting your favorite films from childhood, you are likely to catch all kinds of things you didn’t notice when you were young and innocent. Some Disney classics like Mulan hold up pretty well, but there are still some moments that you see in a new light when you watch them as an adult. If you know a bit about Chinese history, you know the portrayal of the Huns isn't completely accurate, and you might even know that the story Mulan is based on is even more fascinating. Let’s take a look at some things that only adults notice in Mulan.

#Mulan #Movies #Adults

The wrong villains | 0:00
An epic origin | 0:54
Single heir | 1:40
Rocket-less China | 2:18
Traditional gender roles | 2:47
An independent woman | 3:35

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Did you notice any of these things as a kid?


"If mulan had truly evolved into a strong independent woman, she would have sent Sheng packing instead of asking him to dinner". Why? Are strong independent women not allowed to be interested in men or something? Are strong independent women not allowed to have relationships? Seriously where did you get that crazy idea from.


Shang didn’t treat her bad 🙄 he was her general not her friend. She was the weakest link, he had to be tough on her


3:52 she doesnt have to send him away to be a strong women. You can have a loving partner and still be your own strong individual. Being a feminist does not automatically mean you cant fall in love and marry a man too.


3:44 ah yes, independent women cant have love lifes anymore.


I noticed them but it's Disney. It's bound to be historically inaccurate. Besides, I enjoyed this more than a historically accurate one ngl.


This is a brand new level of nitpicking. A Disney princess movie wasn't historically or culturally accurate? Oh no, whatever shall we do?! How could an inaccurate movie be enjoyable if all it has left to offer is a compelling, streamlined narrative?!

The video also completely and clearly demonstrates that they don't comprehend how themes develop through plot (duh they're enforcing gender roles - how else will she demonstrate that she's overcome them?) while simultaneously misunderstanding the very theme/idea it's trying to support by enforcing expected behavior on Mulan (which the choice to forgive was clearly a means to facilitate closure in the story and, cynically, possibly set up the sequel) - the exact thing that feminism is against. Feminism rule #1 is to not shame women for the choices they make of their own free will...

I know you weren't trying to legitimately criticize the movie, but this smacks of a desperate reach for content. These things aren't "problematic" just because they're technically or actually inaccurate, especially when literally everyone - including the children - realize it's a fiction.


Ahhh no shang did not treat her bad in mulan 1 shang wanted her to be strong cause she is the weakest of them all and in mulan 2 it was mushu who cause them to fight


So strong women aren't allowed to decide for themselves who they let into their lives?


No, Shang and Mulan relationship at the end it's not disappointing, the film show you don't have to "seNDing HiM pACkinG ofF" to be a strong indipendent woman


1:41 - I've always wondered if they had one or two others who didn't survive.


The Huns are supposed to be Xiongnu not the actual Huns that terrorised the Roman empire. Case in point the Xiongnu were actually at war with China. Shan Yu's name is an alternative spelling of Chanyu the title given to Xiongnu leaders. Xiongnu were actually before the Huns so it's obvious Attila isn't even born yet in this movie's setting. The Chinese dub actually does call them Xiongnu. Probably just called them Huns in English because Hun is an easier word for the English audience to understand.


Shang did the Iida hand think lmao


Not questioning what’s expected of her makes more sense. It’s more Western if she questions them.


I know zero people will see this but is this saying that a strong and independent woman can be in a relationship with a man also this click bate the with the topic of the video in question your would think the would be talk about inappropriate thing instead of the that are inaccurate or don’t make sense this is not freaking Cinema sins


Huns are also a synonym for the what would in modern times be called central Asian nomadic Khaganates (and given where they are coming from, the villains in Mulan are quite obviously central Asian nomadic tribes) and especially the Xiongnu. Shang Yu is even named after the title these nomadic tribes used for their leader before Khagan; Chanyu.

If one stays in the correct time of the ballad of mulan; Northern Wei was at that time engaged in a conflict with the Rouran Khaganate (which is also the setting of the original ballad of Mulan), and did get unsuccessfully invaded by them.

If the story gets put a little bit earlier (as is clearly done in the 1998 film), China under the Han dynasty was at that time in war with the Xiongnu tribes to its north (the same Xiongnu that regularly get called Huns).

And if the story is taken a little out of time (to plant it into the 13th century; and therefore the Ming dynasty):
Ghengis Khan did in fact beat the Chinese army in an engagement on a mountain pass (the ballte of Yehuling, 1211) and afterwards laid siege to Zhongdu (modern day Beijing) in 1215. And his conquests in Europe are sometimes called the storm of the hunns.


Omg stop telling us what to be offended by Karen. What the hell are you even talking about at 3:44? She can’t have a boyfriend because you hate men?


*“ThE pRoBlEm MulAn iS yOu”*

Errmmm divorce his dumbass. Lmao


Says legend says she stayed in the military for 12 years.... leaving iut the part where they execute her....


3:10 wait is it China or Japan

Takeo Masaki : In name of Emperor's honor TENNO HEIKA BANZAI !!!
