Menstrual Migraine and Period Headaches Affecting Your Life? | What Is the Cause & What Can You Do?

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I thought this was just me. I really feel women need at least 3-5 days a month off due to our periods.


This is MY life!! I have to completely isolate myself. For days at a time sometimes. I've had to quit jobs and miss work for these attacks. Its depressing trying to explain to family, friends and significant others because they don't understand. The nausea, dizziness, vomiting are the light side effects compared to the throbbing pain of the migraine. It's quite depressing and oral OTC medicines are of no help. Smh


Fascinating concept, except I can't believe in 11 minutes this physician could not make ONE recommendation as to what one might do to start improving, self-treating, or healing those vertebrae. In the section titled "What You Can Do" he simply said, SEE a DOCTOR! TF! As a medical writer this is beyond frustrating.


This is the worst of periods! Not the bleeding or cramps, This! Recently had this happen and I'm only 20. Started off with severe dizziness, eye problems happened, severe moods swings that messed with my depression, really bad migraine that switched sides (first time ever having a migraine), heat Intolerance/hot flashes, sensitivity to light and red eyes. Scared me to death! Google popped up numerous things that scared me more! Countless trips to docters and hospitals for 2 weeks straight! Finally once the pain ended and everything went back to normal now again it's the same thing and it's only been about 3 weeks since the last attack. We just never catch a break!


After hitting 30, started to experience bad migraines before periods, but now its after periods as well!!!! And its getting GP asked me to check my neck, I did X ray but it's all ok, I dont know if its hormones but I have a feeling it's due to amnesia, not enough blood, if you feeling very thirsty during migraines especially when you used to have heavy flow but now it's not.


Very informative. I get migraines every single month a few days before my period starts and they last 3 to 4 days. Very debilitating. A severe pain behind my right eye. ALWAY THE SAME PLACE, RIGHT EYE. I want to rip my eye out to release the pressure. Thought it was due to drop in hormones, didn't know it could be the 3 brain vertebra!


What you are saying is helpful as my headache is on the left side of my face in the socket of my eye down to my neck and the pain in the socket of my eye is so excruciating and light sensitive. Thank you for this insight


My brothers wife suffers this severely, even during ovulation sometimes .I get regular tension headache at the end of a period, but it can't compare with migraines, I sympathize with you all


Mine come just before my period. Once the blood flow the pain disappears. I thinks this treatment is worth the try…


That explaines why my breathing is not automaticly during my migraine! No one could ever believe me or tell me why I experience that. The brainstem controles the breating.


Very informative! I only started getting migraines in my 30s when my life became more sedentary. I only get them on the day I start my period, in the hours before, and they typically last through the first day. It's literally how I know I'm going to get my period—a migraine, breast tenderness, and cramping—so I try to get ahead of it and go into a dark, cool, and quiet room until it passes. But the thesis about the neck makes sense in my life. I've only started getting them when my life became more sedentary.


I know Im late to the party but I just wanted to say thank you so much for this information. I have never had a menstrual migraine before but I had an awful pinch in the back of my neck and was in a lot of pain for days before the migraine happened. So the information given in this video made so much sense. I genuinely am so grateful to read all the comments too, as I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and it was terrifying. I wish you all relief soon from this awful condition.


Wow, this is the most thorough, explanatory video I've ever seen on this subject. Literally described everything I've been experiencing. Thank you so much!


This is wild. I notice I would get migraines often after going to the pool. Specifically when I would wear a bikini top that looped tightly around the back of my neck (halter top style). After watching this video I wonder if that style top was irritating my brain stem?? Resulting in migraine


What is a "Headache Consultant"? My wife went to a neurologist and he didnt seem to acknowledge "menstrual migraines" as its own thing & merely tried prescribing Triptans, Emgality, etc to no avail.


Thank you, I have been looking for this kind of information ever since, I'm suffering from menstrual migraine, it affects my work every time I'm having my menstruation.


The brainstem makes sense as I have pure menstrual migraine and it's way worse when I sleep or if I lie down, movement actually improves it.
Thank you, u have somewhere to start!


Thank you for this video. Your so good I love how you talk. This is very informative.


Thank you so much for this! I thought I was alone in this struggle. This makes perfect sense.


I got these headache for five days just horrible noting works I actually fainted at work because my headache was so bad being having them for years
