Sully - No Time For Caution - Interstellar music during descent

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Sully - No Time For Caution - Interstellar music during descent
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Sully is the kind of man that gives me a small amount of hope that all is not lost.


Being a Pilot this movie is the best aviation movie I've ever seen. All sorts of communication and equipment used is almost an exact replica of real life.


This man was a hero for how he landed that plane and that all survived


And in true Christopher Nolan style, you can't hear the dialogue over the music. 🙂👍


Good idea for a edit, but the music was too loud, we should be able to hear the dialogue between the pilots as well as the music.


The tension build-up is brilliant, the co-pilots blink before landing is perfect, great music track to go with it too. Well done


It's truly difficult to believe that this really happened, and turned out as well as it did! It's a testament to everyone involved, and especially to the pilot and flight crew! The plane itself was amazing not to have broken to bits after plowing thru water at that speed!


This was an AMAZING Movie, that was one hell of a landing and Captain Sully did a Phenomenal Job landing that plane in the Hudson River and saving all those people. I would LOVE to meet him one day just to shake his hand and say Congratulations on saving himself and all those people.


Why ppl criticize EVERYTHING, that if they can’t listen to the dialogue, that if the volume was so up, this mix is just perfect, the timings of the music, the buildup of the volume along with the scenes and everything! Looks like Zimmer did this composition for this movie too along with Interstellar!


No matter how many times I watch this scene, at the end of the clip I find myself at the edge of my chair, almost not breathing; and then I take a big gulp of air and straighten myself up. Well done!


What's most impressing me during that scene is how calm, focused and lucid Sully and his copilot remained despite the overwhelming odds surrounding them with a crippled plane full of afraid and panicking passenger landing on freezing waters with no training to handle that kind of desperate situation. I would have freak out if I was in his shoes. I think everyone would have but he remained calm and serene and that's probably what saved everyone that day.


Unique case. How lucky everyone on board was to have such a brave and experienced pilot. Hero! I have great respect for the pilot and admiration for his skillful and confident actions. This moment of the film conveys the complexity of the situation well.


When I heard the first report of this accident, I thought that no one would be saved. A truly unbelievable and brilliant maneuver...the captain who made the best choice is wonderful. Even modern AI can't do this. Because they will probably make a choice with fewer casualties... a machine cannot choose to save everyone in an extreme situation.


The music was cut _perfectly_ with the sequence, unfortunately the volume balance left something to be desired. It doesn't really work so well if you can't hear the dialogue.


Has the pleasure of hearing Captain Sully speak in person.


I think that every movie scene where you put the characters against "time" as an enemy, needs this music


Excellent acting by both; they captured the tension of the


I'm not a pilot but I built a flight simulator on my home computer with all the controls you'd find in a real Cessna and I've tried this landing in Microsoft Flight simulator realistic mode and what Sully did was amazing. If you hit the water at too high a speed or the wrong angle the plane could easily break apart but if you go too slow you end up in a stall with no time to recover. They key to surviving is to turn towards the river right away because you will lose altitude in the turn, pitch for best glide and then flare at the last second. I've gotten the plane aligned with the river and descending at best glide but I have trouble timing the flare and flare too much/too little. I tried going for the airport and was having weave in between buildings and the sharp bank caused me to lose altitude quickly and I didn't even get close to making it. I also tried the Trevor Noah plane crash scenario in Microsoft Flight Simulator and I easily made it, I landed the plane on a grassy hillside, at a nearby airport and I even landed the big jet at the local airport although the runway wasn't quite long enough and I went through a fence or two.


Love the quiet leadership of Sulley. His First Officer is brilliant but clearly directed and the two of them operate as a quiet team. Too many roles these days do not work in this way.


Was damals Kapitän Sullenberg und sein Copilot geleistet haben, ist in die Luftfahrgeschichte eingegangen!
Absolutes Können, gepaart mit berechnender Coolness! Das muss hoffentlich nicht so schnell wieder jemand nachmachen müssen!
Sully, greatest work!💪
