This Is Why Divers Are Afraid Of The Ocean

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This Is Why Divers Are Afraid Of The Ocean


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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries. In this channel, you'll find storytelling of the unkown, the supernatural and the paranormal. If you enjoy shows like Unsolved Mysteries or Paranormal Witness, you'll enjoy What Lurks Beneath
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Going deep diving is basically putting your self into an endless jumpscare scenario.


PADI certified Open Water and Advanced Deep Water diver here. The actual real wildlife is scary enough. For example being in Lake Superior at 100ft and coming face to face with a 300lb Damn fish? (edited here again for the sake of clarity and for all the gotcha clowns who think they are ichthyologists) I AM NOT A FISH EXPERT, but it is quite terrifying none the less. As divers, we've heard every horror story and we take it with a grain of salt but we've also felt and experienced things that just can't be explained. The dark atmospheres of deep water hold mysteries that draw people to dive. Not for the faint of heart. Anything can appear in an instant and be gone just as fast. Be careful out there and dive with an extra tank. Can't loose your cool or you may pay with your life. Keep diving but beware, many things are out there not yet found by modern science.


The sea is the realm where we don’t belong and are only tolerated. I don’t deep dive, but when I’m snorkeling or body surfing and I get that eerie feeling I get out of the water.


This confirms what I have always expected. It is impossible to know everything that lives in the ocean. Perfect collection of stories just in time for summer vacation at the beach.


There's DEFINITELY creatures we know absolutely nothing about down there. It's just too vast...


I love to read old ship stories. Many sailors had told stories of huge ancient sea monsters that would come to the surface, and the men were shocked to their core. Some of these stories are in our ancient books if we only learn to do deeper research on this planet. We limit our thinking abilities of what really exists on this planet.


You and Mr Ballen are, hands down, the best story tellers on YouTube; also I'd be willing to bet on any other platform as well. 🤙


In the book "Kon-Tiki", Thor Heyardal mentions seeing two large creatures with bioluminescence. They swam close enough to the surface for their glow to be seen during the early morning hours but not close enough to be identified. They eventually disappeared back into the depths with the coming of the early morning light. Shame they didn't show that in the film.


I have always had a interest in scuba diving but now after hearing these stories,
I Bellerive I'll remain a land dweller.
Very interesting stories, Thanks


Perhaps the decreasing food supply in the ocean is causing deep deep sea creatures to come closer to the surface to search for food


Another interesting thing to consider. Much like on dry land where people report portals appearing n monstrous beasts coming through, why couldn’t similar portals open in the oceans n lakes of the world allowing water dwelling beasts to come through? I just like to believe that there is an entirely other world of unknowns down there.


As far as i know giant earthworms are found in the jungles of the amazon or africa. I found one in northern Maine while looking for salamander with my kid. It was larger then any snake id ever caught. I was confused at first thinking it was a snake but there was no eyes or mouth. My story might not be directly related to these stories but my point is if its possible to find something so far away from its known ecosystem and seemingly suffering from giantism i can only imagine what might be possible in the more foreign world of the water.


Wile swimming about a mile off the beach of a favorite lake in my new swim fins, i was back floating and resting before heading back, i turned over and was dog paddleing to get my bearings when something swam past my legs, it felt big and like wet leather with dimples ever so often, this lasted for at least 10 seconds ( way to long ) i looked down in the water and could see nothing but dark green water. This of course scared me half to death and i made record time swimming back to the beach like a mad man, i will never face that again.


You’d have to be crazy not to be afraid of the ocean.


I 100% believe most of these stories, the people running the rat race definitely don’t want the public to know


I've fished Lake Michigan for 15 years. Seen 10 ft white sturgeon, 400-500 lb blue catfish, and 7 ft carp. Alligator snapping turtle that must of been 150 years old and 300 lbs.

The oceans are much bigger and deeper. Monsters yet found are lurking around.


Sounds like all the divers you mentioned are rightly utilizing that 6th sense we have. How absolutely terrifying to get that feeling STRONGLY while far enough underwater that there is no light. I cannot, nor do I want to, fathom how terrifying that must be


I definitely believe we have alien bases on the sea floor.


In the summer of '76, I was snorkeling at Waimea Bay, Oahu, Hawai'i.
Swimming around 30-40 feet off shore, clear blue water, about eight deep, white sand below me. Observing little fish and seashells.
Suddenly, the shallow white sand dropped off into a complete wall of darkness, the abyss into the depths of the ocean.
Ironically, the summer of 1976 was the summer of "Jaws" original release.
As I'm breathing in through my snorkel, staring into the darkness where I suddenly became a mere speck in the vastness of a dark secret marine world.
Instantly, the Shark themed music from the movie started playing in my head.


They didn't make that movie "The Abyss" for no reason. I believe there air extraterrestrial bases in the ocean.
