Hoarders: Couples Who Hoard Together - One Hour Compilation | A&E

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They say that couples who hoard together, stay together? Enjoy this one hour compilation from Hoarders.


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Professionals try to help people who compulsively hoard possessions.

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The irony is when the first gentleman states he’s “fighting for his freedom.” Yet he’s imprisoned by walls of his own garbage.


I am so proud of that first couple. How awesome was it that they were willing to take the help and then the old man even apologized to the sgt?! And even the neighbors, coming together to help! Everyone did an excellent job. Beautiful!


I’ve never disliked anyone more than Fred and Fuzzy who were milking their 78 year old father who was working to support them because they wouldn’t. I can’t believe that level of selfishness when the father wants to retire. What a despicable pair. I’d like to see the father sell the house, keep the money and retire. It’s ridiculous to encourage them to live without a thought of working.


BG and Lee should feel privileged to live in such a beautiful and historic home.


Wait, that grown childless man has his father supporting him and his wife??😱 And they are trashing the house his father so generously offered them??😬 Yikes!


When that 79 year old man said he wanted to retire but had to keep working to support his adult son, I wasn’t sure wether to be angry at the disgustingly selfish, lazy son or the father for letting it continue! Wow.


“I’m falling in love again with the girl I first met” 😘 what a beautiful thing for the husband to say to his wife. Melted my heart!!!


That second house is beautiful. It’s awful what’s happened inside. How can you destroy such a stunning house?


Fuzzy and Fredd kind of crack me up as a co-hoarding couple. But to abuse the Father by using him as an ATM to bail them out easily turned my my humor to disgust rather quickly. So proud of Matt calling Fuzzy out on his immature laziness to address his hoarding and taking his Dad as a fool.


I’d love to see how people on Hoarders are doing after five or 10 years. How about a follow up show A&E?


"The hallway feels lonely" - some crazy lady. She realizes that hallways aren't meant to have alot in them, right? Right?!


The 79 year old father who should be retired has to work to support his son? This is absolutely despicable and disgusting. Get them out, don't be a pushover, move in yourself or get your house sold; How dare they do this to him.


I don’t care how ‘fun’ Fred and Fuzzy might be, they should be utterly ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of everyone around them, specifically the 79 year old dad. Disgraceful


The old man giving permission for others to make decisions on things and be able to throw things out is so helpful to this sweet couple! Proud of the homeowners!


I feel so badly for Hunter and Fisher living in that insanity.


His father working at 79 supporting this ungrateful couple. Stop the money flow Dad and get jobs you lazy hoarders 🤬🤬


"I love sometimes I don't like them." I felt every word of that. (My momma's house.) I cry.


I love how the yard sale proved the junk wasn't worth selling. Selling is a lousy excuse that hoarders use to avoid getting rid of their junk. A million excuses and procrastination. They can't physically or mentally or emotionally deal with their junk. The only way to succeed is for the hoarders to leave the premises while other people do the work. Can't stand it when stuff just gets moved to another room. It was bizarre how BG thought the cleared stairway looked barren and lonely.


I enjoy this show. My dad was a hoarder. I moved into his place and purchased the land. He collected everything he saved every lamp and book anything he thought could be saved like this person. Avalanches were common especially in his bedroom. We worried everything would fall on him. I am still dealing with a lot of the stuff. Getting rid of it slowly. What they don't mention is the cost of getting rid of everything. If you don't have someone like this show to pay for it. Good luck. A large dumpster cost about $700. Going to take me years to get rid of everything because of financial end.


I cried on the one with Dorothy and her husband. She had such an awesome attitude about it all and was wonderful to her husband and kids. She had a great family too. She deserved to live in a house like she got. I cried I was so happy for her. She had the best husband ever too! God bless that family!
