Leighton Flowers Laments the Rise of Calvinism - Part 3 - Wane and Resurgence

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Leighton flowers cites the 4 major resurgences of Calvinism as proof of its logical inconsistencies - we examine that and other another conclusion, including much recommended reading.
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These a book I read when I first started leaning about Calvinism, it was The Refomed Faith by Lorraine Bottner. It gives a great comparison between the five points of Calvinism and Arminianism.


Awesome content cranky keep your style and video quality up :D I subbed :D


My Grand father translated the Scottish puritans in Dutch like the brothers Erskine, Boston, Samuel Rutherford and many more. I have read many of them.


1 Corinthians 3:3 Are you not walking in the way of man? 4 For when one of you says, “I follow Paul, ” and another, “I follow Apollos, ” are you not mere men? 5 What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role.…
The main person in the reformation spend a large part of his life in a small room in the tower of the “Wartburg Castle” heavy guarded by his friends to keep him safe from the inquisition who wanted him to be Burned at the stake. All he could do is write to teach new pastors understanding the gospel. One of the most important was his Bible translation. Calvin was a free man but his health kept him from doing much but writing. You should study history. Before the Reformation there was only the Pope church. [Catholic is the Wrong name] it means “Universal Christian.” The Reformation was not the work of a man it was God’s work to free us from the Heresies of Rome.
Martin Luther was doing penance in the monastery. He was visited by Johann von Staupitz, Born: 1460 He was a Catholic theologian, university preacher, and Vicar General of the Augustinian friars in Germany, He said to Martin Luther: Martin Martin not your wounds but the Wounds of Christ. Luther later said: If it was not for Von Staupitz I would have been in Hell.
God used Martin Luther, Calvin, John Knox Ulrich Zwingli and so many more. Whole parishes with their priest turned to the Reformation all independent from each other and expose the Heresies of The pope church The Bible was translated by reformed scholars. William Tyndale. 1494 – c. 6 October 1536) was an English scholar who became a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation in the years leading up to his execution being Burned Alive at age 42 the most painful death imaginable. He could be set free by just denying his faith. HE IS WELL KNOWN FOR HIS TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE INTO ENGLISH.
However we don’t glorify Calvin we don’t preach from the institutes. Like mormons have the book of Mormon or seventh day GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Ellen G.White or the world translation of the JW by Rutherford. All the sound Bible translations are done by Reformed Scholars.
They never loved their life more than Christ because they could have escaped death just by rejecting their faith in Christ and pray the Rosary. IT WAS A WORK OF THE LORD every one who denies that, enters a slippery slope. Claiming those Millions who died for nothing but a Heresy. All that came to Christ from the 16Th. Century to early 20Th did that on false grounds because it was most 98% of the protestant church.
The reformation was a blessing for all of Europe and all protestant churches come from the reformation. Millions came to Christ and embraced the Gospel of justification by grace and faith alone. Besides the pope church there only were the Waldensians since 1200 opposing the pope church. Many were persecuted and killed. in 1520 the Waldensians joint the reformation with William Farel who became a close friend of Calvin. No-one of the Reformation usurped authority they just wrote and God Blessed it. The leaders of the reformation at the begin were constant in danger of their life. However we are now on a return to the oldest heresies. The blessings of the reformation are almost over after 400 years. Most people don’t know the truth anymore. We have come to the last days like Leighton and many others. So God set us free from the heresies of the pope. And gave us another heresy.
like Mr Flower and Mike Winger. And special. and one of the most poisonous Kevin Thompson. Flowers knows these things but won’t tell you. Even though he act like he is moderate he create a lot of hate against the reformation God once used to set us free from the Heresies of the pope. But now it comes back. Freewill is of the Pope Church. You do the right thing and you go to heaven.
Jonathan Edwards (1703 - 1758) delivered the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", He was as you call it a Calvinist There was not one dry eye in the church all got saved and it started the Great Revival in 1741, following George Whitefield's tour of the Thirteen Colonies. Edwards is well known for his many books, The End For Which God Created the World, The Life of David Brainerd, which served to inspire thousands of missionaries throughout the 19th century, and Religious Affections, which many Reformed Evangelicals still read today. Denying the Suprimicy of God shows that you don’t know the Eternal God Father Son and Holy Spirit, Who knew and knows all thing from eternity past to eternity to come. His foreknowledge is never and could never be in disharmony with His degrees. Even the fall in Paradise.
Genesis 3: 22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, God did not mean that we became Gods but that God from there on Became MEN. I think it is the purpose of the Fall in Paradise. Not Sure however.
