#Sales, #BANT What is a lead Who is a prospect what is BANT

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#Sales, #BANT What is a lead? Who is a prospect? what is BANT?

What is a lead? Who is a prospect? what is BANT?Learn with kimavi in just one minute!

Leads are folks in your target market segment

You can send leads, one way communication, for example an email, or a phone call, to a lead

If leads respond and show interest, in your product, then they are prospects

Prospect is a potential buyer of your product

Qualifying is determining that a prospect has the needs, income, and purchase authority necessary for buying

BANT is for Budget, Authority, Need and Timeline and helps you to qualify a prospect

B is for Budget, How much is the prospect willing to spend?

A is for Authority, Who is the decision making authority?

N is for Need - Does the prospect have a true pain that your product will solve?

T if for Timeline, How soon can prospect make buy decision?

Once prospects pay you money they become customer

What is a lead? Who is a prospect? what is BANT?Thank you for learningwith kimavi

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