Ben Stiller Opens Up About Prostate Cancer For First Time Since Diagnosis | TODAY

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Just last month, actor Ben Stiller revealed he was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer two years ago, at the age of 48. Now he joins TODAY’s Matt Lauer along with his surgeon, Dr. Edward Schaeffer, to talk about the controversial prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. He also reveals why he opted for prostate surgery, and how he is doing afterward.

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Ben Stiller Opens Up About Prostate Cancer For First Time Since Diagnosis | TODAY
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My husband may have prostate cancer and is 44, he is going through tests now. Thank you so much Ben and Ben's Doctor for this video. It gave me hope ❤


My husband is 51 and just had his prostate removed 3 and a half weeks ago. So thankful it all went well. So happy you are doing good as well Mr. Stiller :)


My dad told me literally an hour ago that he has prostate cancer.... he's 65, and my world.... my heart is shattered but I'm standing strong for my Mum, Younger brother and my Dad. He is a very positive man and deserves the world and much more in my eyes. I just hope he is telling me the truth cause both my brother and I feels my dad and mum are hiding more from us.... I hope I am wrong xxx I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


My father, at 75 years old, got diagnosed with this disgusting thing three months ago, stage 2. It tore me apart and literally broke me down. I remember shrieking when he told me. I ended up taking a month off my office work & college in Paris to be at his side and meet his doctors. But he's doing very well and doctors have been nothing more than positive, kind and reassuring. He's very calm, resilient and absolutely reassuring toward my siblings and especially me, as his youngest and closest to him. I believe that my father got this and will overcome cancer pretty easily and quickly.


Never knew he had cancer thank god he's okay now


Age 52, diagnosed just this past February, started hormone therapy in March because I was told it was the aggressive kind of prostate cancer, will be having my prostate removed tomorrow by a robot (guided by the doctor of course) & will be on hormone therapy for the next 18 months. Last year my doctor had me do the PSA blood test & the results were elevated, but she said she didn't think it was cancer because if it was the levels would be in the 60s (mine was at 14). She was more concerned with my bp...she was fired in December & I saw a urologist, because I had a bladder obstruction, which caused me to retain 30lbs of fluids & also cause my kidneys to start failing. Had a CT scan & my prostate didn't look abnormal, but the doctor scheduled a TURP & biopsy at the same time in February (he kept me on a catheter for over a month!), but was not able to pee without self-catheterizing myself, so he did a half-arsed job on the TURP. I fired HIM because of that and his inability to give me straight answers and found a much better urologist who examined me and suggested the hormone therapy to lower the testosterone (which, testosterone helps spread the micro pieces of cancer that can't be detected) and to have a robotic laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
Don't know how much of the nerves or lymph nodes they'll be able to save, but again, would you rather have a few inconveniences & possibly extend/save your life or take you chances? I'm 52, but I don't think that's old and opted to do whatever it takes to extend/save my life over a few inconveniences. No family history of prostate cancer (my father's brother got it, but he was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam & has had other forms of cancer & problems from that, too), but there is a history of cancer in my family (mother died of ovarian cancer & I've had 2 cousins who survived breast cancer).

Bottom line: guys, if you're over 40, take it seriously & get tested. It might just save your life by detecting it & treating it early. One of the most survivable types of cancer. Find a good doctor. If the one you find isn't giving you straight answers or giving you the runaround or giving answers you don't like, get a second or third or even fourth opinion. This isn't something to put off, ignore, or play around with. Early detection & treatment will give you the best shot at surviving it. I, for one, plan to be around for a few more decades & hope, after tomorrow, things will be free & clear of me having cancer.


Thanks Ben for coming forward and discussing your prostate cancer, I hope this video motivates more men to discuss screening options with their doctor


I was told on 08-12-2020 that I had aggressive prostate cancer with a PSA reading of 63. I had a bone, CT and an MRI scan and a prostate biopsy which led on to me having and trans urethral resection procedure and three gold markers placed in my prostate. I then had thirty seven radio therapy treatments and now I’m cancer free as of 17-11-2021. It’s not all doom and gloom provided it’s found quickly.


Thank you Ben Stiller for sharing your experience.Had surgery recently and found some encouragement here.


I have my prostate removed and recovered. I am now cancer free!!!


I had a PSA of 27
Turned out to be advanced prostate cancer. The aggressive kind, category 4.
I didnt have surgery, just radiation my PSA is least for now. But the problem with advanced prostate cancer is that it almost always comes back. So I have to have injections of lupron every six months for a total of 2 and a half years because the doc said its serious.


Thank you Ben and all of you! This will help a lot of people to get diagnosed and make proper decisions.


I’m just watching this and I got to say I’m having to have an MRI done on me to determine if I have prostate cancer. Should the results come out positive, then I will undergo a radical prostatectomy. Hearing celebrities with similar concerns and hopeful insights gives me hope that my life will carry on.


I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 47, no family history or symptoms just decided to get tested.


Thank you Ben Stiller for sharing your blessings... Thank GOD for Dr. Edward Schaeffer for being a earthly Angel.


I was 72 when I was informed of prostrate cancer. My urologist chose radiation treatment (IMRT) for me. I was glad he did that. (Urologist was trained surgeon, and their preference was surgery.)
I had done much research since. I would not choose there would be side effects that I couldn't handle.
Radiation was much less invasive and more advanced.


50 shouldn’t only be the age to check your prostate. I had mines done at age 32 only because my dad had prostate cancer. And Iam glad I had it done because I found out that it was slightly in large but benign .I am 56 and doing good 👍


my father in law, who happens to be only 7 months older than me...he's just been diagnosed with this. we are in France so I imagine he will luckily have good treatment. But we also need to learn what grade and/or stage he's at. Brilliant and frank and heart felt interview. Fantastic. Thank you so much...


Feel better Ben Stiller, big fan and I love you❤️❤️❤️


I’m very glad he got through that!! 🙏 thank God, wow
