Sodium Explodes in Water...Why Doesn't Salt?!?

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When a piece of sodium metal is placed in water, there is a violent reaction and a big explosion. Table salt, made of sodium chloride, also has sodium in it, but why doesn't it explode when added to water? The reason is that there are different types of sodium in the two compounds. In sodium metal, the sodium atoms are neutrally charged, without an electric charge. In sodium chloride, the sodium atoms are ionized, with one fewer electron that sodium metal. Sodium metal has one electron in its outermost energy level, and that causes it to be unstable, so that it reacts violently with water. The Sodium ion, on the other hand, has lost the electron, so that it does not react with water, because it is much more stable.
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My favorite video to date, Tyler. Keep up the great work. Cheers from Detroit!


Tyler you're the best . Thank you for taking your time to teach us .


Very informative video, thanks. As a suggestion, I believe it would be more complete if you described where the electron donated by sodium went in the chemical reaction. I'm assuming it was donated to the hydrogen to allow the hydrogen to become neutral and form H2, and then the Na takes the place of that hydrogen in NaOH. Which means that hydrogen wants the electron more than sodium, as reflected in the electronegativity of the atoms--which makes sense since the donated electron in sodium is in a more distant energy state (we called them 'shells' long ago when I was in chemistry class).


I stumbled upon this video and I am very pleased that I did. Please tell me you plan on staying around and fighting the good fight! If university's and the government doesn't want to compromise on education then I feel this is the answer. Tyler sees the big picture!


Very good way of explaining. This is your 2nd video i am watching. The previous one was on solubility of ionic and covalent compounds. Extremely awesome explanation and approach.


Very nice job explaining with visuals! I teach middle school science, and used this video in the past, but with the new NGSS this content has too much information (chemistry is so "watered down" now :( ). Long story short, I'd like to use this concept as a "Phenomenon" to introduce the unit on physical and chemical properties, so I am hoping that I can figure out how to edit irrelevant (no fault of yours) material out.... Or... maybe you can create Middle school material based on NGSS :) :) :)


Because all of the energy is used up powering your hand gestures?


I understood everything until the ecuation pumched me in the face because I am in 7th grade and just started Chemistry so we didn't learn this stuff


Dude, one rule of video making leave out stuff that doesn't add anything to your content. That is in this case the right part of your screen that contains your face and body expressions that just distract the viewer from getting the information.


A video on why water is not flammable would also be great :). I pretty much understand it's related to the exothermic reaction that hydrogen goes through to bond with the oxygen and create the compound Water (or something like that, please correct me if I'm wrong there). Anyway I'm still fascinated by the fact that you can take 2 hydrogen atoms (Flammable) and 1 Oxygen Atom (Fire Starter), put them together and boom... Well... No boom, it puts out fires.... Chemistry Rocks.


I have never enjoyed chemistry much til i subscribed to your channel.
Keep up the good work
Adam A


What has happened to you man? I haven’t seen you for two years, hope you have motivation to come back.


Best explanation. You're teaching us step by step. It's explained so clearly. Thank you!


this video made me understand this so well that my chem teacher is gonna think I copied my answers off the internet


I wish you did a video on acids and bases and Ph and titration I have a hard time learning form anyone else but you for my chemistry class.  Or the Bronstad-Lowry Model to work out problems with acid based reactions


I have extreme struggles focusing on my homework right now and the energy in this video is helping me get back into the zone. Wow! It's like curing my ADD in the moment. I really appreciate this. =)


You are SO awesome. I'm studying to take a CLEP exam on this information and im telling you, your videos are


And my question is why the sodium ions doesnt react and make sodium hydroxide....


Sir, thank you very much making me understand in a very simple way. I am not science student, but your lecture left an immense impact me to understand around. Your lecture will also be introduced to the students who really want to see the world scientifically. A Great contribution.


what about if you were to pour molten salt into water why is it then explosive to water just like sodium metal if it still has the atoms?
