Recreation : Rimworld Tutorial Nuggets

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How does recreation work in Rimworld and how do you optimize it. Turns out you want to cram all the recreation buildings into the best quality room you have.
Billiards tables, hoop stone rings, poker tables, chess tables, tombs... Pretty much everything. Also if you have two sections of recreation per day you can maximize your happiness.

Credits song - Dan Lebowitz - Surrender
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I like to stagger the schedules so that pawn couples have offset rec time from singles. The singles get to know and like each other faster and form couples faster.


Gonna assume people already commented on all the obvious stuff, but here's a fun thing to do with musical recreation:
Place an awful piano right by your killbox and give it a small restricted zone.
Whenever it's raid time pick out the pawn that's lowest on recreation, restrict them to the piano zone and set their schedule to only recreation, granting a nice +6 mood bonus to all your combatants.
I recommend an awful piano because they'll stop playing once their recreation hits 100% and this cuts down on micromanagement, but you could also cycle through your pawns as they get bored of standing in the firing line.
Of course don't do this when you actually need all your pawns firepower, but even then it may be worth considering if you've got some weirdo pacifists, a joywired harmonizer, or someone that missing half their brain or something.


there are 9 types of recreation - solitary relaxation, social interaction, television watching, cerebral play, dexterity play, music, telescope study, chemical, food consumption.

Eating a chocolate or insect jelly is its own thing, wiki is quite wrong on this subject, cause there is no gluttonous recreation, no other food affects recreation and chocolate changes recreation, by +10% and not by +7%.

As for chairs, you are completely right on that subject, i have ben using it for months. One thing you missed on, is meditation witch is part of solitary relaxation, it is a bit to lengthy subject to discus it detail cause its a bit quirky, but lets just note it can be used to force pawn to have his solitary relaxation in you recreation room.

Edit:actually i went and fixed wiki consumables table for recreation sources.


Viewing art, cloud watching and watching the sunset are also forms of recreation


The musical instruments also give you spots for nobles to give a concert in an impressive/beautiful room which is a nice added bonus. Placing party spots (the structure in the misc tab, not the table bit discussed) in those rooms with things like beer stocked on shelves has been a boon for doubling down on recreation/party for me as well.


I really like your massive hallways as a single room strategy. The "Ate without a table" debuff is miserable. It does create additional surface area to break your room and its bonus by raiders and the like, so back-up rec rooms are important. I also don't recommend making that a barn. Having a separate animal sleeping spot will keep filth away and have your pawns spending less time cleaning up (literal) shit.


your rec room at the beginning was a single point away from unbelievably impressive, could've gotten it just from expanding into that little hallway thing


Just a few quick notes:
Tribals also have access to Billiard Tables and eating Ambrosia is hugely recreative. Ists actually not in percent but in total so its 50% per unit. I tested it. Of course psycoid tee and other drugs also give recreation.


I didn't realize fine/lavish meals give a recreation bonus. That helps to explain why I rarely have mental breaks mid and late game, as my pawns eat like kings.


a few nit picky recreation tid bits, while not mentioned here, TV is the only recreation that bed ridden pawns can take part in, it can help a ton to keep a tv in a hospital covering the beds,
the meditate at grave recreation is special in that it is the only recreation type that the recreation gain percentage is determined by room quality that the tomb is placed in, yes it changes all the way up to wonderous room
and last but not least, a weird quirk of rimworld is that any single room can not give a pawn more than 3 room type bonuses at once, so even if they should get a bonuses from an activity in a room, if they already have 3 bonuses from said room, they won't get a fourth


that coridor dining "room" was the solution to all my problems, BRO !!! I freakin love youu


Man, these videos are so incredibly helpful. As a person who wants to understand as much of the game I'm playing as possible, these vids are just invaluable. God's work, sir. God's work.


"an extremely impressive tomb, err I mean room"
*Checks table cloths are covering sarcophagi*


I think the benefit of the game of Ur is that it is very portable and thus can be easily packed along for a caravan to get recreation.


My standard schedule is 4-work, 1-recreation, 4-recreation in the middle of the day (with one recreation timeslot before bed) and I never really have many issues. I opt for Marble recreational buildings based on I think another tutorial nugget of yours to increase the beauty of the room.


Possibly cool tip for Hospitals. Figured it'd be worth putting it in, but you did mention in a previous video that a pawn stuck in a hospital does become immune to the TV after about a month. So, I figure it might not be a bad idea to stick a Harp into a hospital, since every so often someone will do a performance, and they would normally miss out on it. While this will increase traffic in the area, could be worth it. I guess the same could be said for a marriage spot and party spot, I guess.


Just a quick errata and tips, Biliard tables aren't colony exclusive, tribals just need to research complex furnitures. People with passion will also get some recreation while using their skills. Psychite tea is quite a bit better than beer for recreation, with its only downfall that you can't use it as often at a higher risk of developing an addiction. Wake up is another powerful drug with high recreation, even better buffs, but higher risks though.


TV doesn't care about chair direction, but it does about beds. So in your hospital you need one TV for each row of beds.


Thanks for making all the great videos! You’re my favorite Rimworld player


Any other role play heavy players out there thinking... "that kinda room doesn't fit the realism of my narrative."
