Dr. Dan Siegel: Time In: Reflection, Relationships and Resilience at the Heart of Internal Education

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In this presentation Dr. Dan Siegel, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, and a Garrison Institute trustee, speaks of his pioneering work in interpersonal neurobiology, which studies how the brain is influenced by interpersonal relationships. In his view, the mind itself is both interpersonal and intrapersonal, profoundly connecting people neurologically, physiologically and socially. He called for an approach to "internal education" that teaches children to monitor both their own internal world and the interpersonal world.

At the Garrison Institute's symposium, The Art and Science of Contemplative Teaching and Learning, November, 2012. To learn more:

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This is not in the direct alignment of effort and reward being out of balance. This is a long-term solution to a long-term problem. In a society of short-term solutions that fail long-term problems is in direct conflict. The checks and balances of our nomadic days (natural law) are over with. We as a society of checks and balances of being farm folk is still with us. Being able to keep our subconscious societal and personal gas lighting from being visible is now even easier in the city age such as control and manipulation of the media books, news papers and TV. Now in the knowledge age with such multimedia venues as YouTube, podcast and unbridged audiobooks free at the library direct to your cellphone stops the ability to hide and control knowledge. Thank you for this talk. I look forward to investigating further into Dan's work. This video is 8 years old. What has technology brought us today 8 years later... Inquiry mines want to know. In the DSM5. There is a section for psychological abuse. This is the last abuse that occurs between the age of zero and 18 months by the primary caregiver. This has long-term attachment issues well into old age. If the cognitive distortions are not healed within that person's lifetime. The ACS study directly shows the harm that psychological abuse does to all animal or human. I hope us as a knowledge base society can overcome this hurdle sooner than later...


Absolutely radically revolutionary...which in itself states re+evolutionary


Thank you very much for this informative lecture. As a clinical director work with some very talented counselors this video will be given to them on our next weekly clinical meeting. The information provided here is something I practice and is shown to create care and compassion which is a vital component that leads to healing - the true definition of therapy!


Thank you so much You are a revolutionary Bravo!!!!


Thanks for posting, very useful and profound.


I cry when I think of Compassion and it''s demise in the world today!


Without subjective experience where will humanity be found? "The system that connects a body and a relationship is comprised of an essence" . . . what is the essence if not found in the gaze (energy and information flow?) between infant and caregiver and continuing throughout the life span in all our relationships. "An information energy flow" is the basis for survival of all life, it seems. A complex system with an emergent property . . . that's a wonderful perspective. Thank you for sharing these beautiful insights.


thank you.  may Allah bless you with more and better.


The Mind is the brain in action🧠🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🅿️ Dr Joe


24:21 this whole matter, of course, goes back to Descartes. Really vital, it is, to understand how Descartes has influenced our thinking as modern people. We all live under his presuppositions, in the light of his reflected shadow -- without even being aware of it. How symbolic thinking -- separated from Nature Itself -- but a gap between us and reality. Sure, it led to technology; but at the same time, we live in a world a symbolic unreality. We are not in touch with the real world, we are in touch with our inventions. The ancients thought differently. More directly -- you could say. The phenomena of nature spoke more directly. Anyone steeped in philosophy is aware that Siegel has in mind the closing of this gap. If you aren't even aware of the problem, you cannot fix it, and you will be guided by unconscious forces. Descartes needs to understood, if you at all consider yourself ... a thinker. And absolutely NO scientist can say he really understands what he does, unless EVERY DARK CORNER of Descartes thinking has been duly noted.

The gap between reality and the world we live in is larger than you might suppose.

Siegel is closing this gap, through his mindfulness. He is a great teacher -- because he is concerned with how we unconsciously are influenced as a society, and he actively guide your mind back to Source. Note that he is using Ericksonian techniques of language. In other words -- feel free to actually LET YOURSELF .. space out!


'Subjective experience' is said repeatedly. But is there such a thing as 'objective experience'? I think all experience is subjective.


We would be lizard unless we want to be dinosaurs...hence adaptation...modification.


Takes far too long 2 make a point.
Life is short.
I am unsubscribing.
