Dr. Dan Siegel - An Interpersonal Neurobiology Approach to Resilience and the Development of Empathy

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Dr. Siegel is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is the acclaimed author of "The Developing Mind: How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are" which introduced us to interpersonal neurobiology. He has written extensively for professional publications which have been translated into more than 30 languages. He has also written four parenting books. His latest book (2016) is "Mind, A Journey to the Heart of Being Human", “offers a deep exploration of our mental lives as they emerge from the body and our relations to each other and the world around us.” - He was speaking at the Roots of Empathy 2017 Research Symposium in Toronto

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"The self advanced into that unique graveyard" love this statement so profound and sadly true.


Incredibile useful lecture. Thanks so much Dr. Siegel.


I resonate deeply with this presentation! Been thinking about these questions re: empathy and compassion for a long time. This helps make sense of many past feelings, memories, and current experiences. Very useful ideas for self improvement, especially improvement of relationships with others. Thank you, Dr. Siegel!


How does all this effect what and how people end up studying or voting or any number of other things?

What if the person who has had horrible experiences makes sense of what happened to them in a bizarre way that ends up hurting their child? I've come across people with this situation.


Our world inside and outside is getting to a chaos. It is not like when Fredlik Engels said almost two century ago in letter to Carl Marx in a letter that the more it becomes chaotic the more we get to feel the need of socialism and eventually closer to the real socialism. The treat is that we actually are going to losing our beautiful planet. It might be already late. But we can not live without hope. I am so surprised that how so well Dan Siegel explains Empathy and core of being human and still not talking anything about real socialism. if the relationship is what we have to change in our society to get a better world, why can we not get rid off the capitalism system which is noting but setting type of relationship among us which contradict human essence of being. Understanding of "MWe" is what the real socialism is all about. Humanist society is what we should be looking for before it is too late. At least for our today happiness.


Taylor Helen Lopez Edward Walker Helen


No differentiantion. That is what umempathetic people do. Like narcisists.
