So called 'faith' alone cries Lord, Lord. Sermon on the Mount. Mat 5-7, John 6. #shorts

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If you believe Jesus died for you and would like to get saved (born again) simply say this prayer and mean it in your heart:
“God, I have sinned and I am sorry. Forgive me. I believe you sent Jesus to die for the price of my sins. Thank you for doing this. Come and make me new and I will serve you all the days of my life. Jesus, I believe you are risen from the dead and I now make you my Lord and savior. Thank you Jesus.”

:🅿🆁🅰🆈🅸🅽🅶 🅸🅽 🆃🅾🅽🅶🆄🅴🆂: Your spiritual mind is inside your natural mind which means whenever you think about God’s word your natural mind is filtering it incorrectly. God has devised a way to get your spirit alone with Him to talk to you. When praying in this language that your natural mind doesn’t know God can edify your spirit above your natural mind to pull down its wrong ways of thinking concerning God.(Practical advice: since you don’t know what you and God are talking about at the time you are praying in tongues (you will understand it later) you can have your mind on other things such as reading the Word and even watching tv.) Jude 1:20 1 Cor 14:2

🅵🅰🆂🆃🅸🅽🅶: Going without food for a period of time is something God instituted to help you get past what always keeps you the same year after year after year. In fact, you will never move past where you are now without fasting because your body will force you to say where you are now is good enough. (Practical advice: always drink water while fasting, start small, and consult your doctor if taking medication.) Luke 5:34-39

🆆🅾🆁🆂🅷🅸🅿 & 🅿🆁🅰🅸🆂🅴: Worship brings the strength of your born again spirit up and onto you. You will never lay your life down and be transformed more into Christ’s image without the comfort, peace, fellowship, and intimacy that comes through getting to know your Father and Savior face to face in worship. (Practical advice: Use simple statements like “I love you”, “I worship you”, “I thank you”. This always brings peace and strength yet at the time you are doing it it may be very, very dry and boring so choose an amount of time you can stick with.) Mat 21:16 Psalm 8:2 Eph 5:19

🆃🅷🅴 🆆🅾🆁🅳: Read and assimilate the word so you can meditate on it in order to believe and transform to the image contained therein. Read only in context (never lifting a verse out of its setting) by reading a complete book of the Bible (like Matthew or Jude, for examples) before moving on to read another book. As you do this you can use individual verses to confess over and over to help you believe a promise God has made to you.
(Practical advice: Start with the Gospel of John and read it 30 times. Read the book of 1st John 50 times. If you need a healing in your body find healing scriptures like Matthew 8:17: “Surely Jesus has bore my sicknesses and carried my pains” and speak it over and over. This will get it in you so you will believe it.) Psalm 1:1-6 Joshua 1:8 Proverbs 18:21

🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: For all the help available through the Holy Spirit by tongues, fasting, worship, and the word they never are an excuse to continue sinning. Jesus set us free from sin by giving us a new nature when we got born again. Rom 8:2 says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed us from the law of sin and death. You can stop all blatant sin by the power of the new birth alone. The Holy Spirit will help you but He never replaces the total victory you already have over sin so you can stop it now. If you do sin you can confess it and repent and God will cleanse it and forget it (1 John 1:9). The Holy Spirit’s help described above is mainly for assisting you in distinguishing your born again conscience from a pseudo conscience in your natural mind that confuses you concerning the small things like the feeling that you have to be legalistic all the time. Beyond this the Holy Spirit takes you deeper and deeper into the image of Christ and His love, ushers you into your call, and gives you power to win your family, friends, and city.

🅰🆅🅾🅸🅳 Onorato Diamante, BibleLine, Grace Evangelical Society, Robert Breaker, Dr. Gene Kim, Andrew Farley, URfriendlyhood, SalvationisEasy, Eva Saved by Grace, Petra Renatus, Tyler Empyrean, nolan wheaton, Jake grace, Be Still and Know, VR Grace Community Church and all who embrace eternal security(OSAS) and/or various 'no need to repent' doctrines (and Sermon on the Mount not for today and loss of rewards only doctrines).
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Believe: give allegiance to King Jesus


Amen brother

‭James 2:18 ESV‬
[18] But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.


Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
He mentioned the Lord Lord verse.. He says “you never quit sinning” “you worker of iniquity I never knew you.
You must be born again! That takes repentance, God does not accept us as we are.
He accepts us in Christ.


This is the part that people forget. You have to do the work also.
