Arduino - Send Serial Commands from Raspbery Pi

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You can send commands to an Arduino from an Raspberry Pi using a USB cable and Serial Communication.


Raspberry Pi – How to Begin Coding Python on Raspberry Pi
Arduino – Send Commands with Serial Communication
Functional Parts in the Project:

Raspberry Pi 4 B
USB Cable
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One of the things that's kind of hard, but I think why Eli's more political or current affairs driven content gets more attention is he tends to be more animated. He tends to get over the top excited about different things, which may not lend itself well to instructional content, sometimes you need just a quiet dispassionate description, but a funny ironic! I think would help make especially code come alive a little bit. code can be dry and that's just the reality of it. But I think generally taking some of the format from the current events, first why we should care about this, What's being said in an article, and then explanations and exclamations afterwards summing up what was just said.

But this could also just be my ADD mind that likes flashy and loud stuff.


That RadioShack Armatron is the spark that got me interested in robotics. I found one in the garbage when I was a kid and have been fascinated by electronics and robotics ever since.


I do totally get the interest in having a computer script in say Python control real world actuators but I still dont get why you don't just use a cheap PLC, or a Zelio type relay controller etc. Cost is similar if not cheaper and you can have many more inputs, outputs as well as analog logic. So like you alude to at the end, what about control a valve open position based on an input value as well as the output value based on a target, like a PID controller etc. I just don't get the point in using an arduino and a pie when it's so cheap to buy a plc or relay controller that's much more capable and faster. Maybe I am wrong though?


Wouldn't there be a way in linux to somehow query the /proc/ directories for into on the tty devices to know if its amc1 or 0 and then make the python script use that so that you don't have to hardcode the value in?


I wonder if this would work with WS2811 Pixel LEDs? Using the free program Falcon player on the PI and send signals to the Arduino to send data to the pixels.


Commenting for analytics and to help vids like this do better.


...Wouldn't a better solution be just using some NPN transistors and resistors to connect stuff to the Raspberry Pi to be controlled?


How to activate arduino sketch only when prompted or activated in node red and not when arduino is connected to serial port. Thx. Pls advise


Here is a senario, what if the Pie loses power for a substantial amount of time? How would you program the arduino to respond to having it's master being dead?


I like that the sweater is the tech videos and the hoodie is the news videos.


I know this is basic using an uno, but perhaps you could expand it to esp32, that opens so many wifi/bluetooth options. (For example i am using a nano to control my christmas tree but next i am using a esp32 so i can use my phone as a color picker and to change programs eliminating the need for buttons)


If only people would understand how useful this stuff is around the house....
