Blood Knot VS. Double Uni Knot Strength Contest

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We've got ANOTHER knot contest for you!!
What fishing knot is stronger: the blood knot or the double uni knot?
We recently started to make use of the "beefed-up dirty deeks" leader which is an extension of your pre-existing leader just with a heavier line for defense against abrasion.
In this new video, we'll be showing you which knot tested stronger and which one you should use for your beefed-up leader tips!
The knots you choose to use are important and have a direct impact on your fishing success!
What is your go-to fishing knot?
Check out the results here!!!
Let us know your questions down in the comments below!
Blood Knot VS. Double Uni Knot Strength Contest
Fishing Knots: Double Uni Knot - How to Tie Braid to Fluorocarbon or Braid to Mono
Fly Fishing: An alternative to the Blood Knot... the Hesse Knot!
Fishing Knots: Double Uni Knot - How to Tie Braid to Fluorocarbon or Braid to Mono
15 second Blood Knot; Fastest and Easiest Method
Blood Knot: How To Tie Matt's Favorite Connection Knot!
Fishing Knots: Trilene Knot - One of the BEST Fishing Knots for Mono or Fluorocarbon Line
Double Uni Knot for Leader to braid
FISHING KNOTS Made Easy! #fishing
Knot challenge Blood knot vs Uni knot #flyfishing #fishing
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How to tie a Locked Blood Knot
UNI knot + BLOOD knot ‼️ Braided To fluorocarbon leader || Best fishing Knots
Tying The Blood Knot Tutorial
Best Knot for Bass Fishing? The Double Uni Knot or the FG Knot? I was WRONG!
Blood Knot Tying Tutorial
How to tie the Double Uni Knot! (tie any two lines together!)
Double Blood Knot quick and easy mono to mono join.
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