Sao Fatal Bullet- WHERE and HOW to get AMR Grim Reaper (2021)

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In this video I detail WHERE and HOW you can get the Legendary sniper rifle known as the AMR Grim Reaper!

Twitter: @ArrayGoodGaming
Instagram: arraygoodgaming

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Side note: Watch out for enemy AI player characters in that area ✌️😀
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can you pin this? I love your content a lot!


Love to see SAO content still getting made💞


I got it without seeing somehow while just running through the dlc, then nearly had a heart attack seeing it in my inventory with it's extremely high atk power


Edited: The build that i use for farming most of these weapons(AMR Grim Reaper, Holy Arrow MK3+, LMG Moonlight 3++)
Non-Accessory Boosted Stats: (Parentheses are with accessory boost)
194 STR - For Dual Wielding the AR Blue Rose MK3+
31 VIT(99) - needed only for getting Healing Field Shot 2 to heal in case you get hit by the Facsimiles and Human Fortress 1 to prevent health regen delay caused by taking damage while using First Aid Kit 2.
232 INT(312) - needed to stun the facsimiles with only one mine activation along with having access to both Power/Guard Field LV4 and Viral shot 4
240 AGI (308) - defense + movement speed boost. also needs to be above 206 so that you can utilize Speed form 4 to move between different spots on the farming route that i showcase in the video on my channel.
255 DEX - AR blue Rose dual wield + Raises Weak spot and critical damage
200 LUC - raises item drop rate and Critical Rate of your weapons.

Accessories: 2x bounty accessories with VIT +34, AGI +34, INT +40, and Movement Speed +30%

Primary Weapon: Bounty Level AR Blue Rose MK3+ (chipset will be showcased in a future AGG discussion video)
Skills: Speed Form 4, Viral Shot 4, Human Fortress 1, and Conceal 4

Secondary Weapon: Bounty Hybrid Build Ordinal Ray MK3+(chipset will be showcased in a future AGG discussion video)
Skills: Healing Field Shot 2, Power/Guard Field Shot 4, last slot doesn't matter.

Gadgets: First Aid Kit 2, Anti-Ailment Kit 2, Electrostatic Stun Trap Mine, Resuscitation Kit


Make sure all your companions and yourself have max luc to increase effectiveness


Me who used the Sound Deadener Sniper Rifle to get my First Grim Reaper which was Epic rarity with a 150 plus Luck stat on my sniper build and had Sinon, Strea and I think Asuna as my party members 👀 You mean to tell me that I could of made, the engagement 100 percent safer by using an Electro Magnetic Stun mine on the Punishers Spawn points? Instead of picking them off with a collateral on two of them with Headshots while staying out of the Grim Reapers Range and Crouching and firing 30 bullets per Sound Deadener round and a lot of memory chips spent on both Ammo Capacity for the 30 bullets and Effective range to slightly out range the Grim reapers instead of strafing to avoid shots from the last punisher so I wouldn’t get one shotted. Well I feel dumb now.


Hey array bro thx for stopping by to watch my vid well stream man and thx for the tip bc I was gonna give up on that not gonna lie love you bro better yet heres a like man keep up the grind bro❤❤❤much love man


is the grim reaper extreme only? im getting amr deathwinds but im on normal and dont know if its just the normal version of the grim reaper


Do I have to be on your level to get it also do I have to finish the whole story for them so spawn?


Hi I wanted to ask you my weapons say I'm overloaded how can I fix?


i keep getting amr
deathwind, , , ,
